Wrinkles On The Face: Prevent Their Occurrence

In addition to the reasons you already know, such as lack of hydration or too much sun, stress and alcohol can also cause the appearance of wrinkles.

The appearance of wrinkles is a very common phenomenon in people of a certain age.

Nevertheless , this sign of old age is not only due to age, but also to the condition of the skin, climatic changes, smoking and other causes that can affect and mark this area of the skin. body.  

The genes involved?

Some people are fortunate enough not to have wrinkles until they reach the age of 60.

You should know that genes are responsible (in part) for the condition of our skin, but there is also the environment, diet, exercises, habits, etc.

On the other hand, there is unfortunately no miracle or magic formula as the creams and other lotions put on the market make believe, apart from a few remedies and treatments to improve the general appearance of the skin. skin.   There are several responsible for the formation of wrinkles.

When it is young, the skin has a good texture, a certain firmness and a natural moisture.

But time leaves considerable damage on her. The factors that most affect the health of our skin influence the general state of our health, and vice versa.

Here are some of the factors that can damage our skin:

  • Stress, depression and sadness have been shown to greatly affect the skin;
  • Lack of vitamins in the diet;
  • Excessive consumption of certain products (alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar, tobacco);
  • Overexposure to the sun (especially in the middle of the day in summer );
  • The pollution of the environment ;
  • Carelessness in the care of the skin (not washing or moisturizing the skin);
  • Bad diets (like those that promise to lose 20 pounds in a week);
  • Not drinking enough water (2 liters per day in winter and 3 liters in summer).

Some tips to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles

Thanks to the following tips, your skin will behave better, be younger, more natural and free from imperfections that sometimes pose an aesthetic problem for some people:

Some tips to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Treat the skin of the face 

Perform once a week a deep cleansing of the face every night, as this will allow you to eliminate the toxins that accumulate (cigarette smoke, makeup, etc.). You should also moisturize your skin in the morning and provide it with natural care, based on soap and other neutral products.

Pay attention to diet 

What you eat inevitably affects your skin. Indeed, there are certain foods to prevent aging thanks to their amount of vitamin C (citrus especially), because they help create more elastin and collagen, and also the famous “antioxidants”, such as spinach, tomato, broccoli, avocado, grapes, etc.

Avoid sudden weight changes

It has negative effects on the skin. Especially if you are on a diet or gaining weight, as the results will be slow to get. The skin will stretch or contract depending on the diet followed, and this will make it lose its natural elasticity: this is why wrinkles are quick to appear.

Protect the skin from UV rays 

The skin suffers a lot from the bad effects of the sun, especially the face which is exposed to it throughout the day. It receives external aggressions from ultraviolet rays, and that is why it is necessary to take your precautions concerning this point by avoiding as much as possible these dangerous exposures.

Stop smoking 

This bad habit is one of the big factors that affect our health. Since tobacco is very harmful to the skin given the number of toxins it contains, it causes premature aging and makes the skin “dull” or wrinkled, not to mention the damage caused to the lips!

Possible home remedies

Brewer’s yeast remedy

Mix brewer’s yeast with water and yogurt or wheat germ. Then cover your face with this mask. Let dry then rinse.

Castor oil remedy

Gently spread castor oil around the eyes to combat wrinkles and crow’s feet.

Cocoa butter remedy

Massage the wrinkles gently and every day with avocado oil or cocoa butter.

Grape remedy

Cut a few white grapes in half and remove the seeds. Then, run them around the mouth and eyes, and let the juice dry before applying makeup.

You can also make it into a grape milkshake and then apply it on the washed face after 20 minutes.

Apple cider vinegar remedy

  • two spoons of apple cider vinegar
  • three spoons of honey
  • half a spoonful of pollen

Wet the face well with lukewarm water (the neck also) then put the preparation there. Wait 5 minutes then rinse.

Natural anti-wrinkle cream

  • three tablespoons of olive oil
  • half a spoon of butter
  • a spoon of beeswax
  • two spoons of rose water

Heat the wax, oil and butter in a double boiler. Then remove everything from the heat and let cool. Add the rose water and mix until you get a smooth consistency. Then apply the remedy at night to the affected areas.

Photographs courtesy of Mahmoud99725, MonkeyMyshkin, Lindsey Turner, Amanda, Wouter Verhelst and Heather.

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