Why Unhappy Couples Stay Together

Unhappy couples still stay together even though they know their relationship is not as satisfying as it used to be. Find out why some couples don’t know how to end their relationship.

In our society and in today’s world, there are many unhappy couples who stay together. The paradox is that about all of these people can advise their own friends to separate, yet not be able to apply that advice to their love issues.

In our circle of close acquaintances, we are almost all able to name a couple who are not happy but stay together despite this.  Often, no one can understand how partners can persist in staying together despite repeated arguments or disrespect between them.

In this article, learn how to identify an unhappy couple and the main reasons that keep partners from improving the situation or ending the relationship.

Arguments are the basis of “communication”

Every word, every gesture or question from one of the partners quickly provokes an argument. There comes a time when these couples end up just blaming each other.

It is a waste of energy that affects them personally but also affects their environment. People around them keep asking themselves why these unhappy couples are still together.

These couples are not able to maintain a dialogue because they always focus the problems on their partner’s mistake. Whether they are in a public or private environment, they have acquired the habit of behaving in this way.

Lies and infidelities have gained ground

One of the partners or both members of the couple live behind a wall built on the basis of lies. Infidelities are recurrent and often known to everyone. However, these lies and infidelities do not break the relationship and these couples do not go their separate ways.

Respect and trust seem to have no place in their lives. Everyone is aware of this. For this reason, the partners silently suffer the negative consequences of this sad story.

Their plans are eternal frustrations

Usually, unhappy couples cannot meet their mutual expectations and cannot agree  on their plans for the future. Very often one partner is more resentful and inevitably their resentment breeds frustration.

These couples lose interest in common achievements and go their way at a totally opposite pace without taking each other into consideration. Anyone can notice and identify unhappy couples who persist in being together.

 the main reasons unhappy couples stay together

Today we are going to try to understand the reasons which justify this type of couple relationship. Some unhappy couples are still together and the reasons are rooted in their inner world. Now find out  the main reasons unhappy couples stay together.

1. Family reasons or ignorant pride

In many families, duty encourages children to marry for life. Implicitly, this involves tolerating whatever happens so as not to tarnish the last name with a separation. If the decision to live as a couple has been made, no turning back is possible.

Although this reasoning may seem out of date, many unhappy couples are still together due to fear of harming their families.

On the other hand, some couples feel that they have fought so hard to get their relationship accepted that out of pride, they cannot afford to break it. They know their parents were right, this partner was not ideal, but their pride outweighs their happiness.

2. Fear of loneliness

Loneliness is usually a ghost that frightens many people. For this reason, some people choose to continue with their boring and sad life, rather than end their relationship.

This fear functions as a barrier that does not allow them to see beyond the four walls. It also does not allow them to imagine that, perhaps, they could meet other people with whom they would be much happier.

3. Children need any family

One of the most serious mistakes couples make is staying together because they have children together. They believe that they are solely responsible for the happiness of their children and are convinced that staying under the same roof will guarantee it.

This idea is far from being the solution. Children will be happy people as long as their parents are also happy. Growing up in a hostile environment, filled with arguments, does not promote a fulfilling childhood.

4. The time invested in the relationship has a price

Some people are convinced that the years spent in the relationship, just like the money they put into it, are worth the effort to stay together. If they’ve put so much effort into staying together, it wouldn’t be fair to break everything up, even if everyday life is unsatisfying.

Moreover, it is also painful to think that all the time invested in developing and sustaining this relationship ultimately ends in a separation. For this reason, many couples often choose to face the future without considering any changes in order to improve their relationship.

5. Affective or financial dependence wins all battles

There are also toxic relationships in which people are emotionally or financially dependent on their partner. In these cases, this type of individual  can in no way imagine a separation.

These couples know they are unhappy in this relationship, but are convinced that the breakup would prevent them from surviving.

This is the case, for example, of couples where it is decided that one partner works while the other takes care of household chores. The fear of facing a new lifestyle and having to re-enter the labor market  makes any decision to break up impossible.


Unhappy couples often stay together for a variety of reasons that most of the people around them cannot understand. They are likely to turn to their closest friends to talk about their grief.

Others can give them advice, but basically these unhappy couples are the only ones who can change the situation on their own.

On the other hand, there are also couples who seek professional help to improve their relationship or to make the right decisions. And then others who do not change anything and continue with the same life, hoping that the future is better.

There are many factors that can explain couples’ arguments. However, today it is important to focus on certain causes that should be eliminated. In order to prevent conflicts that can harm the relationship, communication within the couple is essential.

Many arguments are the result of misunderstandings that could be resolved if both members showed some commitment.

In any case, it is essential to take time to talk with your partner in order to resolve the situation causing the conflict. A new argument based on the same subject must not break out.

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