Why Should We Take Liver Infusion Every Night?

Boldo is one of the best teas for the evening, because in addition to protecting the liver and promoting the expulsion of bile, it purifies the body and fights against insomnia.

The liver is one of the organs in our body that suffers the most from the consequences of poor nutrition, additives and toxic substances, negative emotions, pollution, etc. An infusion for the liver allows you to take care of this organ.

To prevent health problems, therefore, we must take care of them with the help of natural remedies.

In this article, we’ll explain the benefits of taking liver infusion every night to improve liver function.

The importance of the liver

The liver is the largest organ in our body, and one of the most important.

Among its functions, it transforms food into energy, it eliminates toxins and helps in the digestion process.

Even though it is one of the organs that suffers the most from the bad habits of modern life, it has this incredible power of regeneration.

This means that if the cells of this organ die, new cells are created naturally.

What is a liver infusion?

A liver infusion is made from herbal remedies that improve the function of the liver and gallbladder. These plants also prevent diseases that arise as a result of poor functioning of these organs.

These are often bitter-tasting infusions that must be brought to a boil, then left to stand for a few minutes.

You can choose one or more plants or buy them from herbalists, which sell ready-to-eat mixtures.

Which infusion for the liver can we choose?

Here are some of the herbal remedies commonly consumed to treat and prevent liver-related pathologies:

Milk thistle

It is one of the best plants for regenerating the liver.

Among its components are vitamin C, minerals such as magnesium, potassium. We also find calcium or selenium, linoleic acid and flavonoids like quercetin.


This plant is excellent because it takes care of the liver and kidneys. Indeed, it stimulates the purifying functions of the organism.

Dandelion is therefore very useful in cases of sluggish liver or fatty liver, because it increases the secretion of bile.

Boldo as an infusion for the liver

Boldo contains alkaloids such as boldine, which protect the liver and activate the production and expulsion of bile.

This plant also relieves digestive discomfort, purifies the body and fights against insomnia.


The caffeic, linoleic and oleic acid contained in the artichoke protect the liver and promote its recovery in cases of liver disease. This is the case with cirrhosis, hepatitis or liver failure.

We can also talk about green tea, which is an excellent plant for the liver, rich in antioxidants and with many health properties.

However, be aware thatit is somewhat challenging, which can prevent some people from sleeping. 

It can be consumed if you are up late at night or if you do not have difficulty falling asleep.

How to consume an infusion for the liver?

  • The infusion for the liver should contain little water to avoid having to go to the bathroom at night. Indeed, it would interrupt the rest. Half a cup is sufficient (100 ml).
  • Let it sit and consume it hot or lukewarm.
  • If you add the juice of half a lemon to it, you will stimulate its effects. You will also disguise its bitter taste.
  • If you want to sweeten your infusion, add a little natural stevia, in extract or in leaves.
  • Take this infusion before bed, but not after 11 p.m.

Why in the evening?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver and gallbladder regenerate during the first hours of the night. Thus, any supplement will be effective during this period.

This is why it is essential that the dinners are taken early and that they are light.

In this way, the liver frees itself from the digestive process and can devote all its energy to its own recovery.

With these simple tips, one can notice a great improvement in nighttime rest and in energy levels upon waking.

Before taking a liver infusion, we recommend that you consult your family doctor or naturopath.

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