Why Am I Allergic To Something? What Are The Symptoms Of An Allergy?

The most common allergens are those which act on the respiratory level such as pollen or dust mites. Find out in this article what allergies are caused!

Being allergic to anything, be it pollen, dust mites, gluten or anything else, is a very common occurrence that affects a large part of the population. These days, it is almost rare to find someone who is not allergic to anything. It is estimated that one in four people will suffer from some type of allergy in their lifetime. It is also the most common disease during childhood.

An allergy is the sensitivity of our immune system to a substance. This sensitivity causes respiratory, digestive, nervous or skin alterations. It is therefore an abnormal reaction of our immune system to a substance that activates this reaction. It is possible to be allergic to almost any substance.

Do you know what produces this reaction? We invite you to find out what causes an allergic reaction, how it is diagnosed and we also give you some advice on the subject.

Being allergic, what does it consist of?

Our immune system is constantly working: it detects and eliminates germs from our body to prevent the onset of diseases. But it sometimes happens that the defense mechanisms are impaired.

When this happens, the system activates very strongly in the face of certain elements which, in reality, are harmless to us. That is to say that our immune system activates many defense mechanisms, such as sneezing for example, in the face of a substance that does not cause any disease such as pollen, for example.

Symptoms of an allergy vary depending on the substance causing the reaction. With regard to dust allergy, the appearance of respiratory symptoms is common, namely coughing, sneezing and watery eyes …

A woman with an allergy

What are the symptoms of an allergy?

As already stated previously, the symptoms of an allergy vary depending on the type of allergen causing the reaction. They also vary according to the “gateway”, ie according to the contact that one has with this substance (ingestion, touching, inhalation).

The most common allergies are those that affect the respiratory system. The most common symptoms are then rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Rhinitis causes itchy nose, sneezing, nasal obstruction, and continuous runny nose (rhinorrhea). As for allergic conjunctivitis, it is characterized by intense irritation in the eyes, which causes continuous tearing. People who suffer from an allergic conjunctiva also have the impression of having sand in the eye.

In addition, it is important to point out that allergic processes are frequently associated with asthma. Symptoms that people with asthma usually suffer from are coughing, wheezing in the chest, and difficulty breathing.

Food allergy

The most common symptoms of a food allergy are tingling in the mouth or irritation which can also affect the throat. Swelling of the lips, tongue, or face are other typical symptoms.

It is also possible that hives may present after ingestion of food. Diarrhea, vomiting, or repeated gas are other symptoms that may indicate a food allergy.

Milk, dried fruits and eggs are the most common foods that cause an allergy.

An analysis to detect an allergy

Drug allergy

Allergy to a drug is a common allergy. Moreover, during a medical consultation, the doctor is obliged to ask his patient if he suffers from an allergy. This type of allergy usually causes skin reactions such as hives, rashes and itching.


Anaphylaxis occurs when the allergic reaction is very severe. The following thing happens: the immune system releases substances that cause a sudden drop in blood pressure. In addition, the airways become narrower and the person has difficulty breathing.

This reaction can happen very quickly, just after coming into contact with the substance causing the allergic reaction. This phenomenon is relatively common in people who are allergic to bee stings.

When one suffers from anaphylaxis, the pulse quickens and becomes weaker. Other symptoms that usually appear are a rash and nausea or vomiting. In these cases, it is important to go to the emergency room.

In short …

Being allergic to something is a common phenomenon. This is why it is essential to know the symptoms of an allergy. This will allow us to give our doctor better information and it will be easier for him to detect what is causing this reaction so that we can avoid the allergen in question in the future.

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