Whole Vegan Spanish French Toast And No Sugar

French toast without sugar and no eggs is simply healthier and just as delicious. Good tasting !

French toast (torrijas) is a typical dessert of Spanish gastronomy. We usually consume it during Holy Week but, let’s be honest: it’s so good that we want to eat it all year round! Here we are going to offer you a step by step recipe for whole vegan Spanish French toast and without sugar!

Whole vegan Spanish French toast

Slices of French toast.

We called it vegan French toast because it doesn’t include any eggs or animal foods. But, of course, anyone can eat it and, by the way, we encourage you to do so! Since it’s sugar-free and egg-free, it’s a much healthier option than traditional French toast.

This French toast  is just as tasty and sweet as the original. However, its fat content is much lower and it can be perfect for those who follow a vegan diet but also for those who suffer from food intolerance or just want to take care of their health.

Nutritional value

Vegetable milks.

The main ingredient in this recipe is wholemeal bread, that is, made from whole wheat flour. This is a source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, in addition to providing group B vitamins, minerals such as phosphorus and iron and having a low fat content.

The traditional cow’s milk has been replaced, in this recipe, by almond milk, and the sugar by stevia. However, if you wish, you can avoid sweetening the French toast (the almond milk already brings sweetness) and add a little honey to them at the end.

Nutritionally,  almond milk provides between 25 and 50 calories per 100 grams  and is rich in monounsaturated fats (“good” fats) as well as vitamin B6 and E, among others.

How to make vegan Spanish French toast

French toast with cream.

So, are you ready to swap your traditional French toast for this vegan French toast? You won’t regret it:  it’s extremely healthy and really delicious. Don’t hesitate to prepare it and enjoy it with your family!


  • 6 slices of wholemeal bread
  • 300 ml almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of flax seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1 pinch of ground turmeric (optional)
  • 100 ml of water
  • 100 ml orange juice
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 sprig of cinnamon
  • Stevia (optional, quantity required)
  • Honey (optional)


  1. Cut large slices of bread, between one and a half and two centimeters thick. Book.
  2. In a bowl,  mix the almond milk with the cinnamon, vanilla, flax seeds and turmeric. Beat well to achieve a homogeneous mixture. Let stand for about 10 minutes.
  3. Soak the slices of bread in the resulting mixture for about 15 minutes. The bread should be well soaked but should not crumble. Turn each slice after a few minutes so that the bread is well soaked on both sides. If you see that the crumb is starting to crumble, remove the bread from the mixture.
  4. While the bread is soaking in the almond milk,  cook the orange juice in a small saucepan with the juice of half a lemon, lemon zest, cinnamon and vanilla. If you want to sweeten your vegan French toast, now is the time! Incorporate the stevia according to your taste or a spoon of honey and mix.
  5. Heat the syrup but do not boil it. The idea is only to reduce it.
  6. Heat the pan with a little extra virgin olive oil and cook the French toast over medium heat, turning it carefully.
  7. Serve it with a little syrup.

How did you find this easy vegan Spanish French toast recipe with wholemeal bread and no sugar? It is very healthy and will please the whole family! And the best part about it all? This is because it is a recipe without saturated fats and without sugars,  so you can enjoy it more than traditional French toast.

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