What Must Be Will Be, In Due Course

There is a time for everything, and there is no point in putting pressure on yourself or exhausting yourself to get something. If we are patient, we can be sure that we will achieve what we want.

What must be will be, in due course. The only thing we need is without a doubt a pinch of patience and above all the clear will to continue building our present day after day to achieve the famous goal.

This sentence, which you have surely heard several times, means several things. The first is that sometimes forcing things to arrive before their time doesn’t bring good results.

The second is that we have to be able to accept that life has its cycles, its moments. No one, for example, can aspire to a perfect relationship if they haven’t learned to love themselves first.

This is why it is normal that we first go through these phases of self-discovery, of failed relationships so that little by little we get closer to the person who suits us best.

Growing is learning and above all, being open to all the opportunities that come our way. We invite you here to think about this.

Everything has its moment, and every moment has its opportunity

By the time you least expect it, everything is going well. And this is not necessarily due to the famous law of attraction since most of the time, it is not enough to strongly desire something for it to happen.

Sometimes good things happen like this, but we could say that in the rest of the cases they happen because it is their time and above all because we ourselves initiated it. Over time and when the time comes, we reap the rewards of our efforts.What must be

The magic of opportunity

We must know how to see the magic, because it intervenes in our eyes at a precise moment, which we must know how to feel.

  • Let’s take an example. We trained in a particular discipline, we spent time studying, learning and acquiring good skills and specialist knowledge.
  • At the moment, a new professional field opens up on the market, it is something innovative, and even if it has to do with our training, we are afraid because we do not know if we are going to be sufficiently competent or not.
  • Only those who know how to see the opportunity and who dare to take the plunge will benefit from what happens at the moment in question. Not before, not after, at this precise moment.

If we do not take advantage of it, it is very possible that the ideal circumstances will never arise.

What must be will be if we favor it

Opportunities don’t come knocking on our doorstep. Stillness does not bring opportunity. Mere desire does not also give us our dearest dreams.

  • “What must be” also requires an effort on our part. We are creative agents. Entities capable of changing our reality and fostering opportunities from the moment we envision them for ourselves.
  • There are things that happen because now is the time, for sure, but if we ourselves have put a little will, effort and dedication into them, they will have a much better chance of happening.

The need to keep an open mind

An open mind is not just a mind that dreams under the stars with endless desires. An open mind has very concrete characteristics:

  • He is aware of his needs.
  • He has a good connection with himself. A good self-esteem to be able to put limits in front of what he does not want and to invest in what he really wants.
  • He is an observer, he listens to everything he has around him. He also chooses what can allow him to grow and continue to move forward.
  • An open and receptive mind knows how to make the most of the moment. He invests his energies and knowledge in the opportunities that come their way at the right time. 

The need to be patient

Who goes too fast, starts without assessing the risks and lacks patience tends to experience more than one disillusionment and disappointment.

  • We know that we are often recommended to “know how to take risks, to be courageous in order to get out of our comfort zone”. But, to pass the course, you must first be prepared.
  • Without good self-esteem, for example, we cannot wait to find happiness in a relationship because then we will always be subordinate to what the other person does or does not do to feel good.
  • Nor should we aspire to a specific job if first of all we do not have the necessary skills. If we are rejected, it will be justified. This is why we have to be patient and invest first in ourselves, in personal maturity, in practical skills and in knowledge.

What must be

To conclude. We know that sometimes we are tired of waiting for the good things, the things we deserve.

Until they happen, we must not forget to stay confident, to continue to strive for our goals and likewise, to be receptive to things, eventually, happening.

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