What Materials For Our Babies’ Toys?

As parents, we must make sure that the objects with which our children will be in contact are 100% safe, that is, free of any toxic materials or substances that could cause them harm. wrong.

Toys for babies are an essential part of their development. With these, children have fun, exercise, learn and improve their abilities. In short, toys promote the social, intellectual and physical development of the child.

However, sometimes such a noble product can be harmful to children. This happens when the toy does not meet minimum quality requirements or contains harmful chemicals. Therefore, the question arises: What materials should baby toys be made of?

Why is it important to check the materials of our children’s toys?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), children are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of chemicals. For what reasons ? Because they are constantly growing and in full physical development.

In addition, because they do not yet reach the physical and physiological maturity to metabolize and eliminate harmful chemicals, as an adult can. Exposure to toxic materials during certain periods can cause transient or permanent damage to babies.

These conditions include damage to the structures and functions of the brain, nervous system, reproductive system, endocrine system, among others. The negative effects of exposure to chemicals in toys are usually classified as follows:

  • Acute poisoning
  • Chemical burns
  • Allergies
  • Subclinical damage without acute toxicity 
  • Long-term physical damage

What materials are toxic?

Toxic materials from toys.

Currently, there is no definitive compilation of the negative effects of toxic substances on children’s health. However, the environmental NGO Greenpeace, in its “Toxic Free Buying Guide”, indicates that most of the dangerous substances in toys come from phthalic plasticizers.

Indeed, it indicates that in 1999, the European Union (EU) banned the use of 6 phthalates in teething toys for children under 3 years old. Here is a list of chemicals that are supported in toys:


Metals such as cadmium, mercury, and lead can cause serious learning, behavior, and mental retardation problems. In the “Guide to Buying Toxic Free”, you can identify baby toys that have exceeded the levels designated for these materials by the regulations.


Phthalates are included in this category. These are chemical compounds that are generally used as plasticizers, artificial flavor fixers, and among other cosmetics. However, it is one of the most alarming toxic substances for the scientific community due to its possible carcinogenic effects.

Perfumes and allergens

There are a large number of substances which can be toxic to children. By law, perfumes such as elecampane, simple cyanide, musk abelmoscol, ethyl acrylate, among others, are totally prohibited in the creation of baby toys.

How do I know if my baby’s toys are safe?

Considering the great risk of the presence of toxic substances in toys, many countries are sensitized. As a result, they have adopted very specific safety laws and regulations.

The toy industry must comply with the corresponding health standards. In other words, there is a risk that the items will be taken off the market and that manufacturers will have to compensate for damages.

Likewise, by law, each toy must have a specific label identifying the products present. It is necessary to read the specifications carefully to be aware of the risks to which the baby could be exposed. This will allow you to assess whether or not it is safe to buy this or that toy.

On the other hand, every time you buy a toy you should look for the CE mark, which stands for “European conformity”.

This seal is the manufacturer’s declaration in which he declares that his toys comply with the essential safety standards provided for by Directive 88/378 EC. If the baby toys are declared compliant, you can be reassured: your child will have contact with a safe product.

Good materials for our babies’ toys

What are the right materials for toys?

Currently, many mothers and fathers are trying to buy toys made from fine materials. Some of them are untreated wood, minerals, resins, fibers, pigments and natural waxes. The less chemical transformations and processes, the better.

In addition, there are synthetic materials such as polypropylene, a rather rigid plastic that is not toxic. Indeed, it can still be used after recycling. Polyethylene is added to this list of suitable materials. It is another polymer which is very popular in countries like the United States because of its safety.

In short, look for toys that are made with noble, natural materials that have not been processed by the industry. Remember to check the information on the product label.


A good toy should be fun, safe, and carefree. We know that, as a father or mother, you want your child to be safe from unintentional risks.

Therefore, we recommend that the baby toys you select comply with legal health regulations. Also, get in the habit of always checking the product label and looking for the “CE” mark on toys. Maybe you’ll spend a little more time and spend more money, but remember, your baby’s health is priceless.

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