What Is The Best Breakfast?

We should avoid refined carbohydrates as they cause us to surge in sugar and make us hungry again after a short time. Their prolonged consumption can cause digestive problems and constipation.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet, many people neglect it and don’t get all the food they need.

It is therefore important to have a balanced breakfast every day to have a good level of energy throughout the morning.

In this article, we tell you why it’s so important to eat well in the morning and also what the healthiest options are.

Why do we have to have good breakfast?

Breakfast is the first meal after an overnight fast and therefore affects our body in different ways:

  • It gives us energy for the whole day, especially for the morning.
  • It also conditions our morale
  • Our body assimilates the food we eat on an empty stomach better. 
  • It also affects our physical and mental performance.
  • Finally, it allows us to eat in smaller quantities throughout the day, because our body does not detect deficiencies.

What are unhealthy breakfasts?

Here are the most common breakfast mistakes today:

  • Excess of refined carbohydrates: For example white bread, pastries, industrial cereals.
    Indeed, they give us too much sugar. In addition, soon after consuming them, we are still hungry, and in the long run, they cause constipation and digestive problems.
  • Excess sugars, especially white sugar. It is not a good food because it does not provide us with any nutrients and, conversely, it decalcifies and acidifies our body.One can nevertheless replace it with bee honey, cane sugar, sugar brown, stevia or agave syrup.
  • Excess dairy products: Many people do not tolerate milk and certain derivatives well. Other people also consume it in too large quantities.However, among the dairy products, one can choose the most digestible or opt for vegetable drinks, without lactose.
  • Mixture of foods of poor digestive combination, such as dairy products and orange juice.
    This can cause digestive problems and discomfort in us during the hours following breakfast.
  • Saturated fats : Margarine, cold cuts etc. They affect our cardiovascular health and they are also the main causes of overweight.

How to achieve a balanced breakfast?

For it to be a balanced meal, breakfast must contain the necessary quantities, that is to say neither too much nor too little carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fibers.

In this way, our body will digest and assimilate it adequately. In this way, we will feel that we will have more energy and that we will be in a good mood throughout the day.

In addition, one should try to choose the best quality nutrients, and always buy them natural and fresh, before they are processed.

Foods that should be part of the breakfast

Each person should choose or combine breakfast foods according to their preferences, age, lifestyle and routine.

However, some breakfasts are healthier than others:

  • Whole grains : The most common are flaked oats, which can be eaten raw, as if it were muesli, or cooked.
    If you prefer a sandwich, choose quality bread, made with whole wheat, spelled, rye, etc.
  • Vegetable drinks: oats, rice, spelled etc.
  • Easily digestible dairy products: For example, double cream, kefir, yogurt, cream cheese.
  • Dried fruits not fried or toasted: They can be eaten raw, ground or in pieces. They provide us with vegetable proteins. 
  • Dried fruits: Rich in healthy sugars, they give us energy for the whole day. For example, figs, prunes, dates or raisins.
  • Fresh seasonal fruit and if possible organic.
  • Raw seeds of sunflower, sesame, flax or squash. You can also consume their first cold pressed oil.
  • Natural fruit and vegetable juices.

The best breakfasts …

With these delicious breakfasts, you won’t miss any nutrients. 

  • Wholemeal spelled bread sandwich with humus (chickpea pate) and double cream cheese.
  • Toasted toast of wholemeal bread with mayonnaise and avocado.
  • Smoothie with fresh fruits and dried fruits. 
  • Muesli with kefir.
  • Apple with prunes, yogurt and nuts.
  • Vegetable drink with whole grains and cocoa.
  • Oatmeal cooked with a vegetable drink, cinnamon and pear. 
  • Double cream cheese with honey, hazelnuts and banana.

Complements for breakfast

Finally, if you are feeling more tired than usual, with weak immune defenses or in a state of discouragement, you can take one of these natural supplements that will help you turn your breakfast into a super therapeutic meal:

  • Beer yeast
  • Pollen
  • Wheat germ
  • Soy lecithin
  • Maca
  • Spirulina
  • Propolis

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