What If We Stop Complaining?

Although it can be difficult at first not to disagree with what is going on around us, by stopping complaining we will find that we can be much more positive.

What if we could go 24 hours without complaining?

It may seem like an easy challenge, but not when we get down to it and realize the large amount of complaints we make every day. There are too many of them!

After having experienced the first failure when it comes to this, one of the most suitable justifications will come to us in this case: “Complaining is not, in reality, that bad, it helps me to relieve myself! ”.

Complaining only allows us to see the negative


Complaining is easy, but it only allows us to see the negative in what is happening to us. It doesn’t allow us to see the other side of the room, to see what is happening to us from other perspectives.

It ends up causing discomfort, that we think that all the evil that happens to us there is nothing we can do to avoid it. This is the moment when we fall into victimhood.

Complaining prevents us from making decisions. It puts us in a comfortable position in which we feel good, but in which we do nothing to get out of this situation.

This is when we take on the role of victim. However, we are not attached, no one is holding us back to endure the circumstances in which we are overwhelmed.

However, making a decision is always difficult and sometimes it makes us very lazy. It is better to stay in your comfort zone, not to move about it, and to complain from our position.

However, this attitude will not only allow us to focus on the negative, but also gradually fill our life with negativity on all sides.

Complaints for the smallest things

When complaints have a very important role in our life, we start to make use of them in the most insignificant situations.

For example, that a glass falls and shatters can lead to a complaint. We make a drama of it! When in reality, if we analyze it from another point of view, it is not worth it.

It can also happen to us when we are in a situation that we do not like. For example, living with his in-laws or supporting a boss who doesn’t act the way he should with his employees.

As we do nothing to get out of this situation because we are afraid, because we find reasons which, in reality, are the fruit of our insecurity, we end up jumping and complaining about the most trivial things.

It is a way of exteriorizing our great discomfort. The problem is, instead of being aware of it, we take it for granted.

We tend to get used to things, instead of analyzing and seeing them in a way that we understand them so that we can make decisions and make our lives better.

By not doing this, we are choosing to be miserable.

We also complain without speaking

complainDare to accept this whole day challenge without complaining. But beware ! Because you will have to fight against unexpected complaints, those that do not speak out.

Our mind also complains, just as it judges, blames or criticizes. But we do not give them the same importance, because they are not complaints spoken by our mouth.

However, the effect is the same and so is the attitude to life. So we have to be very careful to stop complaining in all directions and in all ways.

You may try a few times, but don’t give up. When you’ve managed to go 24 hours without complaining, you’ll realize that you can be more positive, that what is happening to you isn’t that bad, and there is always a silver lining.

Don’t throw in the towel after you’ve managed to get through a day without complaining. Then try two, three… and so on, until you can! The way we think and see what happens to us is very important.

Much of the negativity that permeates your life today will go away when you stop complaining …

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