What If My Baby Falls And Has A Headache?

If you have a baby at home, it is possible that he could fall one day and get a headache. Even if you are worried, it is normal for children to get a headache while playing or doing other activities. In this article we will give you some great tips to avoid these incidents.

If you are asking yourself the following question: “My baby has fallen and hurt his head and I don’t know what to do”. This is normal and can happen at any time.

Childhood is when your baby may be at risk of hurting herself or falling quite frequently. This period is often filled with concern in the minds of parents.

Since we cannot completely control all of the baby’s movements, there are risks involved. Injuries at this age are quite common and you need to know how to avoid them.

Babies, by nature, are innocent. They are not aware of the dangers that exist around them. They easily trip over the furniture or cannot see the toy that is on the floor.

This time of risk is usually between six months and four years, during which the child begins to discover the world with more independence.

Until the age of 3-4 years, there is an imbalance between the weight of a child’s head and that of his body. Not only are falls more common at this age, however no matter how the child falls, their head will always hit the ground first, posing a significant risk of head trauma.

Maybe this situation sounds familiar to you: “ My baby fell and hurt his head badly and now he can’t stop crying. ” Falling on the head can be a very high risk, depending on the child’s circumstances and symptoms.

It is important to have intuition and to know which are the dangerous places in your home. In this way, as much as possible, prevent the child from tripping and falling.

A fall in a child should not be taken lightly and the appearance of behavioral problems, abnormal drowsiness, abnormal signs or pain should prompt medical attention.

My baby has hurt his head: how can I help him?


Now you know how vulnerable your child can be to falls. Now it is important to know what action to take. Most accidents only produce superficial injuries on the surface of the head. For example, bruises or bruises, lesions and local pain.

The steps to follow are very simple. Keep your baby in a quiet and peaceful place. Elevate his head while you apply ice wrapped in a piece of cloth to the area where he fell. Then give him or her a little water to drink in very small amounts to avoid any symptoms of vomiting.

The important thing is to stay calm and to reassure your baby. This will help you monitor it with more objectivity. Depending on the type and intensity of the blow, you can also apply additional methods.

The lesions may be limited to the appearance of a hematoma (subcutaneous blood effusion due to shock). But the fall can also be the cause of a skull fracture, cerebral contusions, intracranial hemorrhage.


If there is a cut, you should wash the wound with clean water. If an object was broken during the accident, check above all that no particles remain on the affected area.

To stop the bleeding and stop the bleeding, use gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide). Then apply small dabs to the affected area.

If the wound is deep, it may require stitches ; in this case, you will need to go to a medical center to clean the wound and sew up the wound.


In case your child has suffered from a hematoma, the procedure is simpler, but it requires just as much care and attention. When you apply ice in a localized way, the size of the hematoma should automatically reduce.

On the other hand, if the affected area increases in size and inflammation occurs , it is best to go to the doctor to carefully check the condition of the hematoma. This will prevent any major consequences.

Warning symptomsheadache

Falls on the head are one of the most difficult situations for children and adults. Since this is the area that houses the brain, it is important to observe how your baby reacts several hours after the accident.

One of the symptoms that creates the most doubts is drowsiness. It is often believed that the child should not be able to sleep after receiving a blow to the head. You shouldn’t make him stay awake if it’s time to sleep and rest.

When he wakes up you should also watch very carefully to see if the baby is normal or if you notice anything suspicious.

Nausea, blurred vision, or disorientation are other symptoms that should be watched closely. You must remain extremely vigilant and attentive to these situations and watch the frequency of the disturbances.

Check if the baby is feeling numbness in his extremities or if he has a headache. This is because it can result in some type of cerebrovascular injury.

In the event that any of these symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention immediately. The doctor must assess the level of consciousness and the general condition of the child.

By carefully examining this variable, it will determine the tests necessary to assess the possibility of brain damage such as an x-ray or ultrasound.


It is important to note that in case of worsening of the general condition of the child, you will always have to go to a hospital center to consult in the event of a fall. Always do this if the fall on the head occurs immediately but also within 48 hours after the accident.

It is also necessary to immediately consult hospital or pediatric emergencies because it is possible to be in the presence of a major head trauma with a hematoma. Without prompt medical intervention, brain damage can be significant.

Internal bleeding or fractures may also go unnoticed initially. In the event of fractures, you will need to undergo precise medical monitoring to avoid any subsequent problems.

Remember that if you want to prevent your child from suffering from this type of accident, you must assess their play area and the places they are used to going.

Remember that your child will not pay attention to his surroundings or the dangers that may exist. So now when you hear someone say, “My baby has fallen, has a headache,” you will know how to help that other worried person.

Your baby’s medical follow-up begins on the day of his birth. Each medical visit to the pediatrician who regularly follows your baby is essential to prevent possible illnesses and for his future health.

The frequency of appointments and regular or additional tests will depend on your baby’s clinical information since pregnancy. But, without a doubt, your baby’s medical checks are essential to prevent disease and assess its development at all levels.

From birth, the medical team that brings the baby into the world carries out the first assessments of his health. Your baby’s medical checks are the first source of information about his general health. Find out today in this article why you should have regular health checks for your baby.

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