What Does The Color Of Your Urine Say About Your Health?

If the urine is light in color, your body is healthy and well hydrated. If it is darker in color, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

We know it. It is not a pleasant subject. Do you never pay attention to the color of your urine? However, it can reveal many things: poor diet, illnesses …

Urine is made up of water and other waste substances. If something is wrong with our body, then urine can change color. This could be due to our diet, inflammation, or even the consumption of some type of medication.

This fluid originates in the kidneys after filtering. After this first process, a mixture of water and toxins that the body does not need arrives in our bladder, which must be evacuated.

A more or less significant amount of urine is then evacuated. It all depends on the foods we eat and the mechanisms specific to each of us, such as sweating and breathing.

Light-colored urine

It’s a good symptom. It means that you are well hydrated.

When you drink large amounts of water, your kidneys can filter urine more easily. It is therefore a good indicator.

Intense yellow urine


This means that we are not drinking enough fluids and our kidneys have to work harder to be able to filter the urine.

There is therefore a greater accumulation of toxic elements and we need to hydrate much more.

This color can also be due to excessive sweating when you work a lot or when you have done a lot of sport.

Dark yellow urine

This symptom should be taken more seriously. This is clearly an indicator that you have to go to the doctor. The intense yellow tells us that there is a problem in the liver or that we are suffering from jaundice.

If so, then watch your eyes. See if they don’t have a slightly yellowish tone. Do you feel tired and seized with a general malaise? Normally, this disease brings on other symptoms which should alert you quickly.

Brown / reddish urine

It is usually indicates that one is suffering from a kidney problem. This brown / reddish tone is due to inflammation, which is why small traces of blood appear in the urine.

If you have a blood clot in your kidneys, your urinary tract painfully forces its way into the bladder.

Orange urine

This tone is not really normal anymore, but it is possible. It usually indicates an excess of vitamin C in our body.

If this happens to you one day, it will only be necessary to reduce the consumption of all the fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C for about 5 days. Be careful, we said decrease, not eliminate.

Blue urine

Food supplements

Surprised ? Even though it may seem weird to you, it does happen. This indicates an excess of calcium or a bacterial infection. This often happens in people who take vitamin supplements.

Be careful with any medications or vitamin supplements you take. Before making any changes, you should first ask your doctor for more information.

Red urine

This symptom can indicate two things.

The first can be serious: the red color may indicate the presence of blood in the kidneys or bladder, in which case you should talk to your doctor immediately. A good diagnosis will always give you the right answer.

The second cause of this symptom is completely harmless. If during the day you ate a lot of beets, berries, blackberries, or even foods with a lot of dyes, the urine may take on this reddish color.

The fact is that if this color persists for several days, then you should not hesitate to go to a doctor.

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