What Does Ringing In The Ears Mean?

There are different factors that can cause ringing in the ears. Correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment can overcome this health problem without serious consequences.

Ringing in the ears can occur quite often throughout one’s life. This problem is annoying and worrying because the cause is often unknown.

If the buzzing is fleeting and the problem is quickly forgotten, then the buzzing is caused by a circumstantial factor:

  • water in the ear
  • a plane trip 
  • some extreme physical activity
  • a change in physical position after staying in one position for a long time

On the other hand, if  this buzzing is a more or less severe recurring discomfort, it is necessary to go to the doctor. Loud and continuous ringing in the ears can be a symptom of a significant pathology.

Generally speaking, ringing in the ears does not represent an illness, but is a symptomatic reflection of an illness.

Let’s see together, in this article, what are the causes of this buzzing sound, as well as some recommendations to alleviate this condition. Food can have an influence.

Definition and causes of ringing in the ears

This buzzing sound is also known as tinnitus or tinnitus . It is a  noisy hearing sensation that is not caused by external sound. This sound, which is hissing or vibrating, is only heard by the person who suffers from tinnitus.

About 3.5 million Spaniards suffer from this problem. It particularly affects people over 40 years old.

Tinnitus occurs for different reasons. The most common causes are those related to the hearing aid. These causes can also be pathological.

The non-pathological causes are as follows:

  • Excess wax in the ear canal
  • Water in the ear
  • Foreign body in the ear
  • Hormonal changes

The pathological causes are as follows:

  • Otitis or infection
  • Perforated eardrum
  • Hardened Chain of Bones
  • Fleshy growth, cyst, or tumor
  • Ménière’s disease
  • Neurological disorder
  • Diabetes and Obesity
  • Severe psychological disorder

The causes related to trauma are as follows:

  • Blows received near the ear or on the head, a fall, an impact, etc.
  • High blood pressure or coronary heart disease

Other possible causes:

  • Drug use
  • Stress, anxiety, fatigue
  • Consumption of certain medications
  • Exposure to high sound volumes
  • Prolonged exposure to loud environmental noises
  • Frequent use of headphones at high volume

What to do in case of ringing in the ears

If this discomfort occurs frequently for a prolonged period, you must go to the doctor for a diagnosis.

Whether it is a localized tinnitus or the consequence of an illness, the treatment must be appropriate, in order to avoid the aggravation of the problem and the irreversible consequences.

The doctor can perform a sound test or request clinical studies. It is also possible that the patient will be handed over to specialists such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or endocrinologist.

As for the treatment, depending on the cause at the origin of the problem, the doctor will opt for pharmacological therapy, surgery, acoustic therapy or radiofrequencies.

It is recommended not to take aspirin, as acetylsalicylic acid is harmful in these cases.

If you want to use home remedies, the root cause of the problem should not be pathological. The recommendations are as follows: consume pineapple, use the properties of ginkgo biloba or place warm towels on the ears, among others.

How to avoid ringing in the ears

What to do in case of ringing in the ears

One of the special preventive measures is to avoid exposure to very loud noises.  Generally, healthy lifestyle habits as well as good physical and psychological health are sufficient to prevent this sensation.

A few tips :

  • Avoid excessive intake of salt, sugar, caffeine, and fast food
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Hydrate sufficiently
  • Engage in physical activity

The consequences of prolonged ringing in the ears 

If the diagnosis is correct and the treatment is correct, the patient has a great chance of overcoming this problem without any consequences. Conversely, a lack of attention represents a health risk.

Prolonged untreated buzzing can trigger hearing loss, which is caused by the exhaustion of hearing cells. Prolonged buzzing can also have the opposite effect: hyperacusis, high sensitivity to hearing due to over-stimulation.

Decreased quality of life and productivity at work are other collateral damage to tinnitus. The patient may suffer from migraines, nausea, insomnia, depression or anxiety, among others.

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