What Are The Best Baby Massages?

Nowadays, baby massage is recommended to help our babies in their physical and emotional development. This strengthens, among other things, the bond between mother and child.

We all need at some point to let go of accumulated stress. In this sense, babies are no exception and a good massage can help them feel better. However, do you know which are the best baby massages?

At present, baby massages are highly recommended. Thanks to them, children feel relaxed and loved by their parents. In addition, they develop a stronger union.

Baby massages: what is it more precisely?

baby massages

Massages are a natural tool that has been used since Antiquity to cure certain pains.  Usually they are applied by skin to skin contact. In addition, the mind and the breath are involved in this technique.

Baby or infant massage is the technique that the mother uses to transmit her affection and tenderness to her child. During this process, the child experiences a sense of physical and emotional well-being.

Types of baby massages

As soon as babies are born, they must stay with their mothers to receive their caresses and stabilize their body temperature.

Therefore, it is important to include the technique of baby massage from birth and during its development. This way, you will help him meet some of his needs.

Discover in the rest of this article a list of the different types of massages that you can perform.

1. Massages to stimulate babies

Massaging the baby’s extremities from birth is a great help for adequate motor development. You can perform a specific and simple massage. You should make circular movements with your hands, in a clockwise direction, on the joints, arms and legs.

  • For the massage to be effective, place the baby on his back, in his bed or in a space comfortable for him.
  • It is important that the mother also occupies a comfortable position. If you want, you can put some soft music in the room.

2. Massages to help them expel gas

It is common for babies to absorb a little air when they breastfeed or bottle feed. This air that they inhale becomes gases, and it may be difficult to expel them. This causes them a lot of discomfort, to the point of preventing them from sleeping.

When this happens, you can perform a little massage:

  • Lay your baby on his back and place the palms of your open hands at his belly button.
  • Then  gradually slide your hands up and down. With this simple massage, your baby will gradually manage to expel the gases.

3. Massages to relieve colic

Like gas, it is common for babies to have episodes that we call colic. It is a contraction of the muscles that surround the bowel area and is produced by the baby’s body. When this happens, the child expresses the discomfort he feels through crying.

  • To relieve it, place the baby on his back and put his hands on his abdomen.
  • Then, make light circular movements, in a clockwise direction.
  • To make your hands glide better, you can also use baby oil or cream.

4. Massages to remedy constipation

Some babies get constipation from a young age, especially if they eat formula and not breast milk. If your baby is suffering from this type of discomfort, you can help him with the following massage:

  • First, place the baby on his back on the bed or on the changing table.
  • Then place a little slightly warm olive oil in your hands and gently massage his abdomen, moving your hands from side to side.
  • The massage should be carried out in the lower abdomen, that is, towards the bottom of the navel. Thus, you will activate the proper functioning of internal organs, especially the intestines.

Benefits of baby massages

baby massages

Below you can see a list of the many benefits of baby massage because it:

  • Benefits the digestive system process
  • Contributes to the development of the respiratory system
  • Also reduces stress-generating hormones
  • Brings security and confidence
  • Help babies get longer and deeper sleep
  • Strengthens the endocrine system
  • Improves the development of its neurological system
  • Also strengthens the immune system

Baby massages vary, from therapeutic massages to relaxation. Each mother can include what she considers appropriate or do it in her own way. On the other hand, it is advisable to consult a specialist in order to obtain a better result.

Finally, we recommend that you massage your baby whenever you want, when it’s convenient for you. Also, don’t forget to ask your pediatrician which massages they think are the most appropriate for your child.

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