Types Of Dementias That Are Not Alzheimer’s

Although Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are the most well-known, there are other types of dementias that are just as devastating and can be devastating. must be known to be able to prevent their occurrence.

It is still not known for sure which changes in the brain cause Alzheimer’s disease.

Perhaps it is because of this lack of information that we mistakenly associate different types of dementia with this disease.

Some facts about Alzheimer’s

We already know the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s: difficulty remembering names from recent discussions. And, as the disease progresses, the signs of Alzheimer’s also increase.

Thus, they give rise to communication difficulties, changes in behavior and judgment, and even difficulty in eating or walking.

The risk that a person could have Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia is, in most cases, genetic bad luck.

Alzheimer’s disease is not the only cause of dementia, but it is the most common. Perhaps this is the reason why she is confused by almost everyone.

Types of dementias that are not Alzheimer’s

dementias in an elderly couple

Now that we’ve brought you some facts about Alzheimer’s, we’d like to talk to you about the types of dementias it is often confused with:

1. Vascular dementia

This is the reduction in blood flow to the brain due to a blood clot or blocked blood vessels.

Among the types of dementia, this one can cause strokes. Its most characteristic consequence is the difficulty of planning and organization.

Take care of your heart’s health. You should avoid any constriction or blockage of the blood vessels. This means keeping cholesterol and blood pressure stable. This way, you will also avoid getting diabetes.

2. Lewy body dementia


Lewy bodies are made up of proteins called alpha-synuclein that come together inside the cerebral cortex, causing  memory loss and difficulty thinking.

Among the types of dementia, this is the one that most closely resembles Alzheimer’s.

Lewy and Alzheimer’s bodies are differentiated by the fact that the former cause sleep disturbances, hallucinations and muscle stiffness. All of these effects are also similar to those of Parkinson’s disease.

When Lewy Body Dementia patients head somewhere, they might get lost because they are no longer familiar with the known places.

When a person has advanced dementia, they can get lost looking for their bathroom and even their own bedroom.

Among the most common types of dementia, Lewy bodies is in second place. Alzheimer’s dementia is the most common at the moment.

Keep your brain active to avoid this problem. Learn a new language, discover the stories of other places, learn about new cultures.

High levels of education and the practice of leisure activities that stimulate the brain could help prevent symptoms.

3. Dementia caused by Parkinson’s disease

When the clumps of alpha-synuclein protein we talked about earlier come together in a part of the brain called substantia nigra, they damage the nerve cells that make dopamine.

The first characteristic of Parkinson’s disease that specialists notice is the difficulty in making movements.

It is also accompanied by tremors throughout the body and slowing of movement.

The worrying thing about Parkinson’s disease is that no known cause that can help in the prevention of this type of dementia has yet been determined.

4. Frontotemporal dementia

When there is degeneration in nerve cells, whether in the frontal or temporal lobe of the brain, we say that there is frontotemporal dementia. It can cause changes in personality, behavior and communication skills.

Those who suffer from this type of dementia are the kind of impulsive people who can end up making big purchases without consulting their spouse.

There are no medications to control this type of dementia. It is therefore preferable to adopt healthy lifestyles that reduce injuries and possible strokes.

5. Mixed dementia

As if that weren’t enough, some people can also have a mixture of these different changes in their brain at the same time.

This case, called mixed dementia, is usually the union between vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The best is to keep your brain active and avoid any risk factors. We know it sounds complicated, but it is possible.

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