Treatments For Common Mouth Problems

Bicarbonate balances the acidity level in the mouth, preventing the onset of gingivitis, canker sores and cavities. It is also very effective in healing sores or any wounds inside the mouth.

Canker sores, gingivitis, cavities, tartar, sensitive teeth… Oral problems can affect our quality of life and become a real problem causing significant costs for the dentist.

We therefore explain in this article the main causes of these mouth problems. We also present the possible treatments to prevent and treat them. Often all you need are simple ingredients like oil, baking soda, thyme or seawater!

Possible causes of mouth problems

  • Diet: This is the main cause of mouth problems, as the condition of the digestive system is reflected in the mouth. When the digestive system is not functioning well or is overloaded with excess acidity, and even if it is not felt, this acidity alters the natural pH of the mouth, causing gingivitis, canker sores, cavities and tartar . This is why the first thing to do is to follow a balanced diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, dried fruits, whole grains, etc.
  • White sugar: this sugar is a real poison for our teeth and our body in general! You need to completely eliminate it from your daily diet and be careful with products that contain it.
  • Tobacco and coffee: this bad habit and this drink dirty our teeth, alter the pH of our mouth, cause cavities and steal the calcium from our teeth.
  • Poor oral hygiene: hygiene is essential! And the toothbrush is not enough; you should also clean your tongue (there are special products for this purpose) and the space between your teeth (with dental floss).
  • Chemicals: The toothpastes that we are used to buying contain ingredients that make a lot of foam and are aggressive to the pH of the mouth. They can even make some mouth problems like gingivitis or canker sores worse! We recommend that you buy toothpaste from an herbalist or health food stores, or make it yourself at home.

Now is the time to let you know about natural and effective treatments to prevent and treat mouth problems!

Thyme tea for mouth problems

Thyme is a medicinal plant whose antiseptic properties have been used since Antiquity against mouth problems, in particular canker sores, wounds or gingivitis. You can drink an infusion of it every day, but it is especially recommended to make mouthwashes.

To prepare the infusion, it is enough to boil a liter of mineral water with 60 grams of thyme for 5 minutes. Then let it sit for 5 minutes. When the infusion is lukewarm, you can do the mouthwashes and repeat the operation several times a day until you notice an improvement.

thyme infusion

A pinch of baking soda

As we have already pointed out, most mouth problems appear because of an excess of acidity in the saliva, which is caused by several factors. So, one of the ways to combat this acidity is to alkalize it directly, by applying very small doses of bicarbonate.

We recommend that you get a small closed container in which you will have poured a little baking soda to have it on you all day. It will suffice to moisten one of your fingers to take a little baking soda and place it on your tongue.

It is important to do this several times a day and with very small doses. This will allow the alkalization process to take place as naturally as possible, without altering the pH of the mouth. This remedy is ideal for all the mouth problems mentioned above, and even for preventing cavities.

Sea water to remineralize teeth

Very often teeth are weakened and too sensitive due to a lack of minerals, caused by a poor diet. They then become more vulnerable to disease.

To avoid this phenomenon, we should take calcium, but also many other minerals; that’s why we recommend seawater for daily mouthwashes!

You will find it at an herbalist or in health food shops, or in pharmacies, and even in some supermarkets.

If you live near the sea, you can also bring it back directly, but only in the off-season and early in the morning. Fill a bottle, avoiding taking water on the surface, as this is where the waste collects. You can also mix pure sea salt with mineral water.


Gargles with oil

This ancient Ayurvedic treatment is ideal for mouth problems, but also for the digestive system, as it eliminates toxins and cleanses our mouths thoroughly.

This remedy is especially recommended for mouth infections, gum problems, dental plaque, gingivitis, dull teeth and weakened teeth. You will then only need sunflower or sesame oil, first cold pressing.

Photographs courtesy of fturmog and CubaGallery.

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