To Let Go Is Not To Admit Defeat, But To Accept What Cannot Be

Even if at first it seems that the world is falling on our heads, we must let go of bad things so that others can get to us.

Letting go is the most natural process in life. Yet it is also the most complex and one of the most painful.

Breaking a relationship, losing a loved one, changing habits, work, place of residence …

These are renunciations that we will experience at some point in our life cycle.

There is no magic formula that allows us to better cope with situations marked by detachment and emotional pain. However, if it is not managed well, the pain can turn into depression.

However, we can give you some tips to help you overcome this step. It is thus possible to obtain a little light in these moments of complexity.

Let go, to be able to receive

If you think about it, you will realize that the act of “letting go” is eternal music that inhabits every period of our life.

We need to understand that these words, “let go”, are not only related to pain, loss and suffering.

Sometimes giving up is also a way of allowing ourselves to be a little happier.

  • To give up what harms us is to place your well-being as a priority.
  • Letting go that hurts us is to gain health and personal balance.
  • Getting rid of certain limiting habits, thoughts and attitudes is to gain opportunities and development.

So, it is worth remembering that the act of “letting go” is also an opportunity. Indeed, it allows you to renew yourself and continue to grow as a person.

Yet, as we know, sometimes these situations involve difficult farewells that we have to come to terms with.

Let’s see what are the best strategies to face them.

let go and happiness

Give time to time: beautiful things will return

When we lose something or someone, when we let them go, it’s like a door is closing in front of us. We feel that the end of the world has arrived.

  • In fact, we can think about this for several months, and the passage of time is synonymous with mourning. Emotional relief, support, and coming to terms with the reality of the situation are the keys to moving us forward.
  • It is important to understand that “letting go” is also an unsurpassable act of courage. Because no one can live clinging to suffering and pain. 
  • When we lose someone, we have to “let them go”, “let go” so that the natural process of farewell allows us to move forward, but without forgetting what we have left behind. , but by being brave and smiling again.

We have to give time to time. It is possible that nothing will ever be the same again, but what is different is not necessarily “bad”.

On the contrary, we can experience new and very beautiful situations.

Lion and butterfly

You have to learn to let go what can’t stay

There are times throughout our lives when we are obsessed with change.

  • It is necessary to know that to deny, to refuse, to close our eyes in the face of a reality that is slipping under our feet and that we are trying to hide causes a lot of suffering.
  • It is also important to let go of what no longer holds in place. Otherwise, we live in a painful and uncertain falsehood that no one deserves.
  • Finally, you have to be courageous and face the realities. If we are no longer loved, we must not implore, nor “prolong a little more”. These are direct attacks on self-esteem.

Sometimes, even if it seems incredible, letting go of what no longer holds is a way of making room for something more beautiful.

Life will teach you who to fight for and who to give up

In the process of letting go, of letting go of what hurts, who doesn’t love us or who wants to hurt us, we open an interesting page where we can find out everything that is really important.

  • It doesn’t matter if there are few people left along the way. It doesn’t matter if there are only four people left by your side, or even two.
  • If it makes you happy and your mind and heart are doing better, then all the detachment that took place was worth it.


Also remember that what you have left behind are key pieces in your life.

Everything you have been through is important because it is a part of your personal history.

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