Tips For Improving Memory

Do you know the factors that determine your ability to retain information? In today’s article, we’ll walk you through different ways to optimize your memory.

Memory is one of the most complex and important functions of our brain. This is why we must be well informed about it! Indeed, some things are not yet very clear about it.

So in many people it may start to decline over the years. This could be due to hereditary issues, for example, but it could also be a disease. The memory worsens then each time a little more …

In this article, we are going to give you some recommendations that can be very helpful in preventing or correcting memory problems. Indeed, these appear suddenly and can be quite marked.

Eat chocolate for the memory!

According to various studies, chocolate can improve cognitive functions very effectively if consumed pure. This is because cocoa contains a large amount of flavonoids.

These have many health benefits,  including improving memory. They also lower blood pressure and can help prevent diabetes!

Listen to certain sounds when you sleepMemory

According to studies carried out in Germany, listening to certain sounds can be good for our brain when we sleep. They must be synchronized to the rhythm of slow brain waves. We thus succeed in strengthening these waves, which improves our memory.

Control the volume of your headphones

Indeed, excess noise causes hearing damage by producing deafness, but that’s not all! It also affects memory.

From several experiments carried out on rats, it has been shown that excessive noise can affect brain cells which are linked to these two cognitive functions.

For damage to occur at the cellular level, it only takes two hours of exposure to loud noise. We are talking about 95 to 97 decibels of intensity.

Eliminate abdominal fatMemory

Being thin is very important for the health of our heart and that of the circulatory system, but also for our memory!

Various studies have been carried out and have been able to demonstrate that the protein responsible for metabolizing abdominal fat is also responsible for carrying out certain functions on memory control and on the ability to learn.

The liver and the brain have a molecule that works in common. This molecule is called PPAR. When it needs to metabolize fat in the abdomen, it ends up removing protein from the brain, which obviously harms our memory!

It is therefore for this reason that it is important to control the fat in this part of the body. The cerebral PPAR will then be able to take care of only this area, and thus we will avoid problems in this part of the brain.

Spend time deciphering puzzles

It has always been recommended to perform this type of activity to improve memory or, at least, to delay memory loss.

It is very important to keep your mind busy, and it is also necessary to distract it from certain problems that can affect our health. When we work our brain, we help it to become stronger, and this is what allows us to maintain its functions.

There is a very simple way to do this: you just have to set aside a few hours each day to do crosswords, puzzles, sudokus, etc. So don’t hesitate to do any activity that makes your memory work!

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