Tips For Getting Rid Of Accumulated Dust

Dust is not only unsightly, as its accumulation can lead to respiratory problems and allergies. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove it correctly.

No matter how much you clean, the dust is still there. It accumulates without you realizing it in the nooks and crannies of the house. You clean up and then it reappears … Do you know how to effectively get rid of accumulated dust? In this article, we give some tips on how to get rid of accumulated dust!

How to get rid of accumulated dust

Getting rid of dust accumulated in the house is not just a matter of aesthetics. On the contrary, if it accumulates, it can be detrimental to health and contribute to the development of conditions such as allergies, asthma or respiratory problems.

Therefore, it is important to get rid of it, even if it is a really difficult task. It can be seen everywhere, even shortly after cleaning. It accumulates in lamps, on the computer or the television screen …

Clean the dust from top to bottom

Getting rid of accumulated dust is hard work
The order to effectively clean the dust should be from top to bottom. This will prevent dust from accumulating in areas that have already been cleaned.

Let’s start with the most basic, i.e. you have to clean from top to bottom. The reason is pure logic: the dust, once cleaned, falls. So if you start cleaning from the bottom, when you get to the top, it will fall on what you have already cleaned.

For this reason, if you are cleaning with a rag or feather duster, you should keep in mind that when you wipe it off you are bound to raise dust and therefore it is better to start with the lesser parts. higher and end with the lower parts.

Also, remember that it s best to vacuum. Indeed, unlike the broom, it will not raise more dust and will remove it better.

Microfiber cloths to remove dust

Since cleaning can lift it up and drop it in other places, it is best not to use certain types of rags or accessories to remove dust.

Indeed, the best option is to have a microfiber cloth that collects dust, so that it does not spread further. So, with this type of cloth, it will be much easier for you to get rid of the annoying and harmful dust.

Plus, the same thing to consider when choosing a feather duster : that it catches dust. Otherwise, you will only be able to move it to another location.

Microfiber and, moreover, damp

Clean the dust.
In addition to choosing a suitable cloth, by dampening it with water or a cleaning product, you make sure to trap dust instead of spreading it.

Not only is it important that the cloths are microfiber, able to trap dust rather than spreading it further. Ideally, the rags should also be slightly damp.

You can soak them with a little water or with a special product for furniture. In fact, you can even use natural products like vinegar or baking soda. Either way, the moisture on the rag will prevent it from spreading to other parts of the furniture or home.

Cleaning the air conditioning filters

Dust can enter a home in many ways. The main one, of course, is through the doors and windows. However, it can also enter the house through air conditioning filters.

So, if your filters are not cleaned well, it is quite possible that when you use this device, the accumulated dust gets into the house without you realizing it. Therefore, it is ideal to check and clean these filters periodically.

The same should be taken into account when using an electric vacuum cleaner. This is because, as in the case of air conditioning, when using it, the dust accumulated in the filters can spread to the rest of the house, instead of helping you eliminate it.

Entrance mat

Getting rid of accumulated dust goes through carpet maintenance
Having a doormat by your entryway prevents particles and dirt from entering your home.

A large amount of dust or dirt that enters your home, and which can then travel to furniture and corners, comes directly from your shoes. Therefore, it is important to have a doormat at the entrance and use it to remove dust and dirt from the soles before entering.

In addition, taking this into account, it is also important to periodically dust the carpet so that it can perform its function even better.

Get rid of dust from everywhere

It is not enough to remove it from furniture and floors. As you will understand, it also accumulates in fabrics, so do not forget to shake and clean rugs, sofas and curtains.

If you don’t, this dust trapped in the different fabrics can still spread to other parts of the interior of the house. This way, the problem will always be present.

On the other hand, dust is a reality. Even applying all the techniques and tricks, this one will still exist. For this reason, the best option is to delete it periodically. Either way, you need to keep these tips in mind, otherwise instead of getting rid of them, you will spread more of them.

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