This Trick Will Help You Relieve Your Muscle Pain In A Minute

Depending on the muscles we have to massage, we will have to opt for more or less hard balls so that they adapt to the most sensitive areas of the body and to your pain.

Muscle pain can appear for different reasons and what is certain is that its presence is extremely annoying.

Fortunately, there is a tip that can be of great help to alleviate these discomforts. We will only need a tennis ball and a minute of our time.

Take note and you will see the difference.

 Relax muscles in 60 seconds

This trick is to do a simple massage of all the muscles. For this you will need 2 to 4 tennis balls.

  • When massaging the neck area we will opt for previously used balls, which are softer.
  • For other areas, like legs, hips or back, we can opt for harder balls.

Upper back massage against your pain

Your back pain.

Time: 2 to 5 minutes

  • On this occasion you will have to lie down on the ground and put two balls between your shoulder blades. For more comfort, put a pillow under your head.
  • Then, and for the time indicated, start slowly moving upward so that the balls move downward.
  • If you observe that the balls are sliding, you can put them in a sock.

The lower back area

To massage the lower back area you will need to massage the coccyx.

  • For this, sit down and put two balls on each side. Lie down gently and lower your back to the floor. You will feel a pressure and a curve on the belt.
  • This is where you will need to move the hips slowly down, so that the balls move about 10-15cm up your back.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Time: 2 to 3 minutes

  • To massage the hip area you will need to lie on your left side, legs outstretched and your torso resting on your bent right arm.
  • Place a ball under the left hip and step down.
  • Try to place your body weight on the ball and then roll it under, from the hip to the knee, then back up again.
  • Repeat the process on the other side.

For your neck pain

Massages for your neck pain.

Time: 1 to 2 minutes

  • To get rid of the discomfort of the neck you will have to lie on your back and turn your head to the left.
  • To do this, use a ball, which you will have to put under the right part of the neck.
  • Then exert pressure and move the ball up and down, and turn your head to the right for the time indicated.
  • Repeat the same on the left part of the neck.

The feet

Time: 30 seconds

  • To relieve discomfort in the feet you will need to sit on a chair and place a ball under each of your feet.
  • Then tilt slightly and shift your body weight forward.
  • Gently move the ball forward and backward, exerting pressure for the time indicated.
  • Then start kicking the ball with the ball of your foot, also for 30 seconds, then repeat with the other foot.

For your arm pain

Time: 2 to 3 minutes

The arms are one of the other areas that often present muscle problems.

  • To relieve yourself, sit on a chair facing the table and squeeze a ball with your hand.
  • You will need to roll it from your fingertips to your elbow and then come back until you feel a heat.
  • Turn your arm over and move the ball in the same way, starting at the wrist area.

The pecs and shoulders

Time: 1 minute

  • To perform the massage of the pectoral and shoulder area you will have to stand up, facing a wall and put the ball under your collarbone.
  • Breathe deeply and stay in this position for a minute.
  • Then massage yourself by moving up and down, right to left.
  • To have better control of the muscles you will have to turn and lower your head.

Your leg pain

Massages for your leg pain.

  • For the legs you will have to sit on a chair and bend one of your legs by resting the heel on the end of the chair.
  • Place the tennis ball below the knee on the calf area and start to apply pressure and then release gently.
  • Repeat 10 times with one leg and then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Remember that for foot massage it is better to use hard tennis balls.

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