The Most Precious In Life Is Not What We Have But Who We Have

There comes a time in life when material things cease to matter and we stop let us realize that the most precious are the people who accompany us.

The people who really matter to us: this is our real home. The most precious in life is not measured in material possessions, but in emotional possessions.

Maybe we forget that, but in the end, everything is much easier when someone accompanies us.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s other people or ourselves, having a heart that is rich in love and friendship is the most meaningful.

Over time, you learn to value the satisfaction that comes from loving, having a shoulder to cry on and arms that offer warmth.

Loving and valuing what surrounds us is the basis of fulfillment

Emotional heritage comes from the satisfying, healthy and reciprocal relationships through which we sow the path of our life.

Friends and family have a different importance and shape our evolution, our emotional development.

When you understand this, you know that there is nothing to look for beyond his relationships.

As we grow older, money, work, or the perfect figure ceases to be so important in the mental list of must-haves that we are working out all the time in our head.

illustration of female friends having coffee

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The priority list, the most changing of our biography

Our attitude determines our priorities. This is the reason why, when we look back, we think: How we have changed! You have to determine what is precious in life.

We are people and by definition we are changeable beings who learn and unlearn in all settings of our reality.

The different experiences make us realize the fleeting side of life and little by little we value more the special bond with others, the emotional bond and having someone to laugh with, cry with or whatever it is.

We need social unions to feel fulfilled and we eventually realize that there is something that money can never buy.

We are not rich until we have people who really matter, deep inside us.

“There are magical people. I promise you, I saw them. They are hidden in all corners of the planet. Disguised as normal people. Concealing their unique way of being.

They behave like the others. This is why it is so difficult to find them. But when you find them, there is no going back. You cannot let go of their memory.

Don’t tell anyone, but they say their magic is so strong that if they touch you once, they touch you forever ”. They are precious in life.

-Unknown author-

what is precious in life

There are “magic people” around us everywhere

The “ magical people”  are those with whom we know happiness.

The ones that help us fly, shine, and unload our emotional backpack of unnecessary stones that we accumulate along the way.

Thanks to them, we share a home, complicity, time and healthy ties that shape beautiful relationships. There is nothing more precious in life.

Their sincere looks lighten the burden and help us to get rid of the obstacles that come our way.

These are relationships that help us to be more aware, more sensitive, and more skillful emotionally and socially.

Because it is only through the emotional connection that we establish, that we learn the importance of being in harmony, of listening, of giving rise to what the other wants to say, of establishing good relationships, to take others into account, to build fluid and efficient exchanges.

Once again, without a doubt, the key lies in letting go of trivial needs and realizing them in order to take the time to establish intimate contacts.

Forging unions clings us to life, encourages us to be better and to reveal these shadows that darken our daily lives.


It is wonderful to have people around you with genuine feelings with whom you can forge a friendship without selfishness, hypocrisy or bad feelings. These types of people are precious in life.

It’s not easy but in reality we all end up with the feeling that what is really important is having a place that represents our home thanks to the people around us.

So love and keep, like gold, the significant people who dot your life.

It is only through your emotional heritage that you will be able to live your existence in the well-being.

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