The Kinds Of Breakups That Break Our Hearts

There are many kinds of breakups that can break our hearts, but we still have to lift our heads and move on, because we only need of us to be happy.

Any break in love is a pain that each person must learn to overcome in order to move forward. However, there are some that are more painful than others.

Today we’re going to find out about the types of breakups that break your hearts.

You have to differentiate a relationship that wears out over time and that causes the two members of the couple to decide to break up because there is no love, no passion, just a relationship of friendship, with a situation of infidelity, for example.

In the first case, the breakup occurs almost on its own, in a consensual manner. These are bonds that became more fragile until we broke them knowing that they would end like this.

However, in the second case, there is  terrible pain and suffering resulting from the loss of confidence in the couple. What types of break-ups make us suffer like this?

One member of the couple leaves the otherbreaking up

This first type of love breakdown is very common. One day our partner tells us he wants to break the relationship and our world collapses. We did not expect it!

It is clear that this decision has not been made at any time. Even if we see it that way. There are things we didn’t want to see. Which we ignored, but the result of which has become evident.

Some of the reasons why one of the couple leaves the other could be as follows:

  • He met a new person he fell in love with.
  • He no longer sees his partner as such for lack of passion, but only as a friend.
  • The couple do not meet their expectations. For example, one of the two wants to have children and the other does not.
  • One of the members of the relationship was unfaithful or disrespectful in some way.

As we can see, there are several reasons why a person may wish to sever the relationship with their partner.

It should nevertheless be emphasized that the type of rupture which can sometimes break our hearts for lack of passion, happens on certain occasions, only to one member of the couple.

One is still in love and does everything to prove it. The other lost the desire for some reason.

It could also happen that you never really liked the other person. And that over time, the course of the relationship clearly shows that this is the case.

All of these circumstances cause the person who is left to end up being broken and destroyed. However, painful as it is, it is best if the relationship breaks down. Future expectations would indeed not be encouraging.

When there is an emotional addiction

While all of the types of break-ups mentioned fall into the “one person leaves the other” dynamic, there is another group that all people who suffer from emotional addiction would fit into.

Affective addiction causes a person to have the wrong idea of ​​what love is. Due to her low self-esteem she depends on the other person, who is the reason for her happiness and without whom nothing is possible.

When emotional dependence is experienced, in reality there is no real love, but a need to belong to someone who gives meaning to life.

Therefore, when the relationship is broken in some way or another, the dependent person is plunged into a void. His life is meaningless and must be linked to a new relationship without having overcome the previous one.

This does not mean that the separation is not traumatic, but that these people avoid seeing their pain by immediately initiating a new romantic relationship. However, the wound is still there because the heart is broken.breaking up

Whether our partner leaves us or we are terribly addicted to them and the relationship breaks down, the hurt will still be there because our hearts will be broken.

However, even though every once in a while a breakup makes us believe our life is over, in reality, sooner or later we will realize that we can move on.

No matter how long the relationship lasts, a happy spouse continues to show signs of affection and demonstrate how important the other is to them.

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