The Great Benefits Of Pears

In addition to being very beneficial for our digestive system, pears allow us to slow down oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals, while strengthening our immune system .

Pears are excellent and can be enjoyed in many dessert recipes.

In addition, they contain a large amount of nutritional properties and can be consumed at any time of the year.

In the rest of this article, we will present the benefits of pears, which are among the fruits best tolerated by our body.

Eat as many pears as you want!

Did you know that pears are among the least allergenic fruits and that almost all humans can digest them without any problem?

In addition, when they are fully ripe, they can help us fight stomach pain and acidity.

Pears are sweet, tasty and refreshing. They contain many nutrients and can help us lose weight.

Thanks to their high water content and their satiating effect, they are particularly recommended for dessert or afternoon tea.

They are also ideal for athletes, especially if they consume before their workouts, because they contain fructose, a sugar of rapid assimilation.

This fruit helps to balance lipids and proteins within our body.

As we consume a lot of these two nutrients, the pear allows us to reduce their impact on our various organs, because it hardly contains any.

The soluble and insoluble fibers of pears help reduce bad cholesterol and help regulate the functioning of the intestines.

The pectin they contain helps us avoid constipation, detoxify the body and improve glucose intolerance.

As for vitamins, we must point out that a pear contains a lot of them: vitamins C, E and B complex.

Eating two pears a day allows us to ingest 10% of the folic acid we need.

Other benefits of pears

If everything you’ve read so far hasn’t convinced you to eat more pears today, don’t worry, we’ve got more information for you!

Pear juice has the ability to protect our entire cardiovascular system, provide calcium to our children for their bones to be healthy and give us a good amount of iron, a mineral that increases the amount of red blood cells. in our blood.

People who suffer from goiter should not hesitate to consume pears, because they contain potassium, an ideal nutrient for those who suffer from water retention, because it has a strong diuretic power.

If you have diarrhea, gastritis, or an ulcer, eat one to two pears a day.

They are also recommended to increase the secretion of gastric juices and have the ability to cleanse the liver and pancreas.

How many pears can you eat per day and how?

This exceptional fruit is ideal for everyone, but especially for those who suffer:

  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Cholesterol
  • Chronic constipation (in this case the pear should be eaten with its skin on)
  • Anemia
  • From a fragile stomach
  • Water retention
  • Diarrhea and colic
  • From a goiter
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight

They are also ideal for infants who are in the process of weaning, as well as for children and adolescents in full growth period, and for athletes when they exercise.

Pears against overweight.

Scientists tell us that we can eat a maximum of three pears a day.

We can also follow a “pear cure”. This treatment consists of ingesting 1 kg of pears per day for 10 consecutive days and allows to reduce blood pressure, as well as to improve the functioning of the kidneys.

You can enjoy it with dessert or at any time of the day.

Some prefer to eat them with their skin on, but in this case you should opt for fruits from organic farming and you should wash them well.

They go wonderfully with blue cheeses, cold meats and a salad of watercress and endive, for example.

You can also integrate them in your cold soups or in your garnishes to accompany your red meat dishes.

A pear a day to improve your health

We have detailed all the benefits of pears to you and we are sure that you will be running to the market to buy some at the end of this article!

In addition to everything we have just told you, take note of everything that eating a pear a day can do for you.

They fight free radicals

These organic compounds are known to damage our cells and cause cognitive deterioration or premature aging in our bodies.

Pear is a great antioxidant and is responsible for countering the effects of these molecules on our body.

They help control diabetes

Pears are low in sugar and are perfect for diabetics when they want to consume a food with a sweet flavor.

When we consume a pear, its carbohydrates are immediately released in our body. This effect helps to control the sugar level in our blood.

They take care of our heart

If you have a family history of cardiovascular problems, do not hesitate to consume pears, which are a fabulous remedy for these disturbing conditions.

They contain a good dose of fiber, which helps eliminate bile salts and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) to its bare minimum.

One pear per day also reduces the risk of suffering from a cerebral hemorrhage by 50%.

They prevent cancer

We must point out that pears also prevent cancer. This is because their fibers help us to expel carcinogenic chemicals from our body.

This prevents them from building up in our colon and causing disease.

Postmenopausal women who eat pears have a 34% lower risk of developing cancer.

Finally, we must tell you that pears allow us to strengthen our immune system, bring energy to our body and relieve pain caused by inflammation.

Do not hesitate any longer and go immediately to buy pears for your health!

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