The Best Exercises For Burning Fat

Do you know what are the most suitable exercises for losing those extra pounds? There is a series of specific exercises for each end. Find out which one is best for you later in this article.

There are many exercises that aim to burn fat. It all depends on individual tastes and time, whether you prefer to perform these exercises in the open air or do them inside a gymnasium, etc.

Some areas are more difficult to treat, it is very hard to eliminate the accumulation of fat in them. Usually, if we are talking about women, it is the hips, thighs and abdomen.

In men, on the other hand, it is often the abdomen that has trouble shrinking!

It is important to remember that a fat-burning exercise routine will be pointless if it is not accompanied by a balanced diet.

If you do not follow a good diet, as soon as you give up the intensity and regularity of the exercises, the fat that was eliminated will come back. You will therefore gain weight!

Diet to burn fat.

Types of exercises to burn fat

First, we’ll explain the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. These are the two types of exercises that we can do.

Anaerobic exercises are of high intensity and last a short time, while aerobic exercises are exercises of medium or low intensity but for a long duration. In reality, in each type of exercise, we do a bit of both, but one still predominates over the other.


  • Aerobic: walking, jogging, etc.
  • Anaerobic: lifting weights, doing abdominals.

Warming up

It’s a priority ! Before performing the actual activity, you must first do a warm-up, which increases circulation throughout the body and prepares it  for the more intense exercise that follows.

In this initial step, we must therefore mobilize all the joints: we can then make more specific movements related to the activity that we are going to perform.

Also, don’t forget the stretches after the exercises. If you start or end a workout without warming up or stretching,  then you may be injured.  This will therefore limit your exercise program, and you will not be able to continue as you want.

Burn fat

When it comes to burning fat, there are various opinions. Generally, an aerobic exercise program is recommended for weight loss.

Then, we recommend anaerobic exercises to strengthen your muscles. But lately, some trainers recommend higher intensity exercises with periods of rest, also called intervals.

They claim that in this way the body is able to burn fat more efficiently. It would even speed up the metabolism for up to a day after activity!

Obviously, to do this type of exercise, you must be accompanied by a coach, otherwise you run the risk of injuring yourself. Everything needs a process, so your body needs a period of adaptation. This can be different in each person.

At first you may need to do longer rest intervals, then the intensity exercises may last longer. It’s just a matter of habit!

What’s also certain is that you don’t have to focus on just one type of activity. As you will get a working rhythm, it will be interesting to combine different types of exercises. Whether aerobic or anaerobic.

It all depends on your physical constitution and the percentage of fat you need to burn.

Be careful, however, this should not become an obsession either. A body must be balanced. It is important to remember that any exercise routine should be accompanied by proper hydration, and of course, a correct and balanced diet.

A sedentary person will not need the same types of food as a person who is active and exercises daily. Especially if the latter increases the periods of intensity!

Indeed, balance is necessary in the diet, but the same goes for the exercises. It is essential: you must consult a sports and nutritional specialist.

This is because after you have successfully eliminated the fat that was bothering you, you will need to change your exercise routine. And there, everything depends on you and your desires:  if you want to have a slender and pleasant body, or if you are more demanding and you want to have more defined muscles.

Exercise to burn fat.

Also know that very often, it is difficult to achieve what we wanted as a goal. But what’s even harder is to keep keeping the improvements.

This is why it is necessary to make a change in our mentality, because an internal change is just as important, if not more, than the external change. The majority of extreme diets have a habit of failing in the maintenance stage, not always of course, but it happens very often.

A change of life is a safe investment in the short and long term. Proper nutrition and recommended exercises for your goal will allow you to achieve more positive changes in your life.

Thus, your self-confidence will increase, and with all that that entails. V ll have more energy, you will be in a better mood. You will have a slimmer figure, and above all, a healthier body.

You must then convince yourself and start this process now!

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