The Best Essential Oils For Beautiful Healthy Feet

The feet are the part of the body that gets tired the most. Wearing closed-toe shoes, walking a lot, suffering from arthritis problems or poor blood circulation makes us feel these discomforts in the feet, which we do not know how to relieve.

Sometimes even a hot shower is not enough to rest them.

The best way to take care of it and prevent problems like inflammation, cracks or poor blood circulation is to use essential oils.

We will therefore talk to you below about these natural allies for having pretty, healthy feet.

1. Lavender essential oilpretty good feet

Lavender essential oil is easily found in any health food store or specialty perfume store.

This remedy acts as a natural relaxant and an antiseptic. It is also very effective in treating rheumatic pain.

Do not hesitate to use this lavender essential oil treatment if you have, for example, foot bunions and you suffer from friction in your shoes. It will indeed relieve you a lot.


  • A dry and clean linen cloth
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil


After you’ve showered and washed and dried your feet, sit down in a comfortable place and put five drops of lavender essential oil on a clean cloth.

Then perform a massage on the entire soles of the feet and toes, that is to say on each inflamed area.

Then put on comfortable socks and spend the night in them, letting the treatment work.

The next morning you will feel wonderful and ready for another day of work!

2. Lemon essential oil with olive oilpretty good feet

If you mix lemon essential oil with olive oil, you will have an anti-inflammatory tonic that is ideal for those days when you come home with very tired and swollen feet.

It is also a natural relaxant that helps us soften calluses, fight infections and most importantly, rest our feet. 


  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 40 ml olive oil
  • A basin with lukewarm water for a foot bath


First, you have to heat this basin of water in which you will soak your feet.

Then add lemon essential oil and olive oil and relax during this natural treatment for 20 minutes.

Finally, dry your feet and put on comfortable shoes. You will feel that your feet will be de-inflamed and relaxed.

3. Essential oils of almond and rosehip

It is without a doubt one of the best treatments for the health and beauty of the feet.

Almond essential oil and rosehip essential oil are also easy to find in natural beauty stores. They are also often inexpensive.  They also serve for many uses   of  daily beauty (for hair ,  the face, l hands etc.).

These oils are therefore ideal for treating calluses and dry or inflamed skin. They are indeed very rich in vitamins, minerals and essential trace elements.


  • 3 drops of rosehip essential oil
  • 3 drops of almond essential oil
  • A clean linen cloth

How to prepare it?

Take a hot and relaxing shower. Then dry your feet well, then sit down in a comfortable place.

Once more, soak the clean cloth well with the essential oil of almond and that of rosehip, by passing gently on each area of ​​the foot, while allowing the absorption of these oils.

Do not forget to pass on the heels, where the cracks and dry skin appear. Also massage your toes so that all the joints are well impregnated, and thus promote blood circulation.

Then put on comfortable socks that don’t compress your ankles, and keep them on overnight so the oils continue to work.

If you do this treatment at least three times a week, you will have soft and pretty feet, perfect for summer, whether you wear sandals or flip flops. 

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