The Benefits Of Homemade Oregano Oil

Although its use is almost always limited to cooking, oregano oil can provide some health benefits, thanks to the properties of its components. Here’s how to prepare it.

Although it seems strange and is rarely a part of natural remedies, in fact oil of oregano does  have benefits that help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. Did you know? Find out more interesting information about this plant as well as ways to prepare the oil.

Oregano is a very popular herb in cooking because it gives a pleasant flavor in recipes. In general, it is used directly in food. But, it can also be used in the form of oil in order to take full advantage of its potential in treating certain health conditions.

Benefits of oregano oil

Oregano appears very often in culinary preparations. But, what many do not know is that in addition to providing flavor, mixed with the properties of the oil, this plant has beneficial characteristics for health. Discover them!

Antioxidant potential

According to a study published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity , ethanolic extract of oregano has antioxidant activity. Therefore, it is believed that this plant may have a  potential to delay or prevent oxidation caused by free radicals,  responsible for cell aging.

Powdered oregano leaves.

Oregano helps fight bacteria

Oregano can also be considered a natural alternative to fight against certain bacteria. As mentioned in a publication in the International Journal of Odontostomatology , thanks to the antibacterial activity of its components carvacrol and thymol, this plant  could act on bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus.

However, it should be noted that it is an adjuvant to pharmacological antibiotics and not a single treatment for infections. Nothing proves that its application alone is capable of destroying bacteria.

Oregano oil helps with viral infection

In addition to its antibacterial effects, according to research published in Journal of Applied Microbiology , the carvacol contained in oregano  may protect the body against certain viral infections such as norovirus. This is an infection that causes diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain.

How to prepare oregano oil at home?

Now that you know its main benefits, it’s time to discover the recipe for oregano oil. The process of this preparation is very simple. In addition, it is a plant that is best to have on hand when needed. Take note!


  • 1/2 cup of oregano leaves (50 gr).
  • 1/2 cup olive, grapeseed or almond oil (200 mL)
  • A glass container with a lid.


  • First,  wash the oregano leaves and let them dry.
  • Then  chop them with the help of a mortar  or other similar utensil. The plant thus releases all its properties.
  • Place them in the glass container, where the mixture will then be stored.
  • Then, pour in the oil of your choice and completely cover the oregano leaves. Leave to rest for a few minutes.
  • Then place a pot of water to boil. Once it boils, turn off the heat and place the container of oil in the pan.
  • Leave the jar in the bain-marie for about 10 minutes so that the oil and oregano are incorporated.
  • Then remove the container from the pan, cover it and store it in a cool, dry place for 2 weeks.
  • After this time, pass the preparation through a sieve and you will have your homemade oregano oil finally ready.
  • Remember, in addition to medical use, this oil works perfectly to bring a different flavor to dishes.

How to use oregano oil?

Even if it seems strange,  know that this oil can be consumed or applied directly to the area you want to treat. For example, for bacterial infections, you should dilute 3 drops of the oil in a glass of water and then drink it.

For muscle pain, rheumatism and sprains, you can apply a little oil in your hands and massage the part of the body that is in pain. If you wish, you can add some essential oils, which are also beneficial for this type of ailments.

In addition, it is said that inhaling the vapors of oregano could decrease flu symptoms. When you experience the discomforts typical of a flu or a cold, take 3-6 drops of oregano oil before meals. Consume these doses 3 times a day.

Oregano essential oil.

Some recommendations on oregano oil

Before using oregano oil, it is important to make sure that its consumption is not contraindicated for your health. Although it is considered safe in most cases and in the correct doses,  there are certain risks for pregnant women, breastfeeding women or people allergic to this herb.

Finally, excessive consumption can lead to palpitations, nerve damage, depression and drowsiness. Remember that there are no miracle cures and that it is always best to consult a doctor if you have any doubts or major problems.

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