The Benefits Of Fruit For Breakfast

Chances are, by mid-morning, you will feel tired and lacking the energy to face your day. 

What do you usually have breakfast with in the morning? Depressing coffee? Do you have the habit of leaving your house without breakfast? The benefits of fruit are not negligible, especially to start the day.

Many people have a bad habit of skipping breakfast because of time constraints.

Still, we assure you that one of the best options for getting out of your home well nourished is to eat fruit.

Indeed, they will allow you to enjoy a delicious breakfast in a few minutes, and will provide you with all the vitamins you need.

The great benefits of fruit for breakfast

Fruit breakfast in the morning is recommended for all people. It is true that an apple, a banana or a bunch of grapes are unattractive foods in the morning.

Indeed, it is usually the time of day when we crave a bowl of milk with a chocolate or cream pastry.

However, you should know that this type of sweets in the morning is a health hazard, because it does not provide us with nutrients, only calories.

Indeed, these foods do not satiate us and force us to have to snack half an hour later, because we are hungry and we lack energy.

Find out why it is advisable to always choose fruit in the morning, instead of classic cupcakes or industrial pastries.

Watch out for fats and calories

Consider that you have gone 6 to 8 hours without consuming anything and that your stomach is empty.  You can’t fill it with just anything.

This is all the more true if it is with the calories and fat from these cakes that make us want to eat in the morning.

Our bodies take a long time to digest them and instead of feeding us, they make us hungry and do not provide us with any truly healthy energy supplement.

The benefits of fruits

Conversely, fruits are rich in a type of sugar that the body absorbs very well and which is very beneficial for the brain during the first hours of the day.

Consider that this organ needs almost 20% of our total energy and that glucose is the essential fuel for the brain to perform its basic functions.

The fruit is therefore a wonderful food to wake us up in the morning and facilitate our digestion.

Fruits and hydration

Fruits are also rich in water, fiber, vitamins and minerals, which will help us keep hydrated and prevent constipation, and are a great supplement to start the day with.

However, remember that fruits should always be accompanied by protein and slow absorbing carbohydrates, such as those found in cereals. In this way, you will have healthy, varied and balanced nutrition.

What are the best fruits for breakfast?

The benefits of fruit for breakfast.

Fruit breakfast is one of the best options to start the day, but  which fruits are best suited? 

  • Grapefruit (pomelo)
  • Black grapes
  • Orange
  • The mandarin
  • The kiwi
  • the strawberry
  • The banana
  • Pineapple
  • The watermelon
  • The melon
  • The Peach
  • The pear
  • Apple
  • The plum
  • Raspberry
  • The cherry

Healthy and original ways to eat fruit for breakfast

Oats and fruits for a healthy breakfast.

  • A bowl of oats with 5 chopped strawberries and half a kiwi.
  • A natural papaya juice and half an apple in a bowl with 3 nuts.
  • Plain Greek yogurt with chunky peach. Grapefruit juice (or pomelo).
  • A spinach salad with pieces of pineapple and nuts. An orange juice.
  • A natural pear juice . A bowl with pieces of watermelon, melon and 3 ground almonds on top.
  • An orange peeled and cut into pieces with 2 tablespoons of honey on top. A cup of green tea.
  • A bowl of oats with two tablespoons of Greek yogurt, coupled with a chunked plum. A natural apple juice.
  • A banana cut into strips with honey. A natural apple juice with a spoonful of brewer’s yeast.
  • A slice of rye bread with turkey breast and a pineapple ring. A natural pear juice.
  • A strawberry infusion of water, a bowl with peach, nuts and some raisins.
  • A tangerine, a spinach omelet and pomegranate juice.
  • A little raw ham in pieces with a slice of white ham. A glass of natural orange juice.

Take the time to have breakfast

To conclude, we are aware that very often we do not have a lot of time in the morning to prepare this type of breakfast.

The benefits of fruits are interesting, but there is no point if you cannot consume them for lack of time.

But, for most of them, it is enough to peel, cut small pieces of fruit and use the blender to make a juice.

If you put a little willpower into it, the effort is worth it. Eating a healthy breakfast and enjoying the benefits of fruits in the morning will help you regulate your bowel movements, make you feel fuller and in a better mood.

If you add a little protein, like an egg or a few slices of ham, you’ll get complete nutrition that will help you last until lunchtime without having to snack.

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