The Beetroot Cure, An Incredibly Effective Solution

In addition to providing us with large amounts of protein and fiber, the beetroot cure allows us to benefit from this food in several ways so as not to get bored.

Do you like beets? It is a food that may be loved by some but hated by others. If you’re in the first group, you’ll probably love knowing that the beetroot cure is great for shedding those extra pounds.

If, on the contrary, you are not a big fan of this little red root, it might be time to give it a try. Even if it is only for a few days, we recommend that you do not miss out on this diet. After all, it doesn’t last that long and its benefits are well worth it.

The red beet cure and its great benefits

Before telling you what exactly the beetroot cure is, it is important to know all the benefits of this food. It may convince you to give it a go, if you are not a beet fan.

The beet cure is an excellent source of fiber

It is an excellent source of fiber

Beetroot contains virtually only fiber and no fat. That’s why it’s perfect for getting your bowels working the right way.

In addition, it is rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps muscles work better and get stronger after sports. Consuming large amounts of magnesium has been shown to promote the secretion of testosterone, the hormone that naturally increases muscle mass.

The beetroot cure improves digestion

Another good reason to try the beetroot cure is its beneficial effect on the digestive system. One cup of beetroot (165g) contains about 2 grams of protein, an amount large enough to maintain a healthy weight.

Remember that protein promotes bowel movement, supports colon health, and also improves the quality and quantity of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.

Ideally, at least once a week, you should include a cup of beets in your diet. This can be in the form of a smoothie or straight into pieces in a salad.

The beetroot cure

beet smoothie

There are several options available if you decide to follow the beetroot cure that we are offering you. In the rest of this article, we’re going to provide you with the simplest version available, to make your job easier and save you having to try all the options.

Since it is very restrictive, we recommend that you follow it for a maximum of 7 days. If you have a medical condition or physical discomfort that is draining your energy, consult your doctor first about the possibility of following this diet.

Breakfast and dinner

It all starts with an interesting and delicious tasting smoothie. It is a good option for breaking the fast after several hours and strengthening your digestive system throughout the night.


  • 1 medium beet, diced
  • The juice of a lemon
  • ½ cup of coconut water (125 ml)
  • 1 pinch of Himalayan salt


  • Start by mixing the beets then add the rest of the ingredients little by little.
  • Drink immediately.

While you are probably happy with the characteristics of beets, you can double the amounts if you feel really hungry after having a first smoothie.


After breakfast and lunch, it’s important to make room for a snack that keeps you from going hungry. Especially with this restrictive diet, it is important to eat several times a day. Otherwise, you might be tempted to eat an unhealthy snack that will interfere with the goal of your diet.


  • 1 large beet, diced
  • 3 medium carrots, cut into small pieces
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 5 mint leaves


  • Mix all the ingredients and consume.

If you wish, you can substitute the mint with another spice of your choice. You can also take double the recommended portions if you are still hungry.

beet cure: beet-based snacks

Having dinner

The beetroot cure is very restrictive but always aims to make the meals as complete as possible. That’s why dinner is made up of a salad designed to give you all the nutrients you need.


  • 1 medium beet, diced or sliced
  • 10 walnuts, cut into small pieces
  • 10 young broccoli sprouts, cooked
  • 2 grated carrots
  • 1 apple, diced
  • 1 small piece of cheese, cut into cubes (30 g)


  • Mix all the ingredients then season with your favorite oil.
  • You can add salt, pepper or any other spice you like to give the salad a little more flavor.

Did you follow this diet? Do you think you can put it into practice easily? Don’t forget to let us know your results if you do!

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