The 8 Best Oils For Young And Healthy Skin

Discover the 8 best essential oils for taking care of your skin here. No need to worry: they do not leave any greasy film on the skin.

Continuous exposure to UV rays from the sun and toxins from the environment are the main causes of premature aging of the skin. Discover here the best oils to take care of your skin.

These factors generate cell damage and lead to the appearance of imperfections such as wrinkles, spots and flaccidity.

Over the years, the skin tends to become thinner and less elastic. It therefore becomes more vulnerable to lesions and deterioration.

In addition, the glands that secrete natural oils decrease their activity and produce continuous episodes of dryness.

Fortunately, there is a wide variety of essential oils that have properties that help regain natural moisture while repairing environmental damage.

In this article, we are going to tell you about the 8 best oils. Do not hesitate to include them in your beauty routine.

1. Lavender oil is one of the best oils to take care of your skin

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is a product with multiple cosmetic applications. It is able to regenerate the skin and relieve burns.

This oil contains powerful antioxidants which work effectively against the negative action of free radicals and sun rays.

Its active compounds have been shown to help the body produce substances like glutathione, catalase and the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

2. Lemon oil

Lemon oil and other varieties of citrus essential oils are full of vitamin C, an antioxidant that is linked to increased collagen.

Its properties prevent premature aging and help repair cells affected by free radicals. 

3. Jasmine oil

Jasmine essential oil is a product rich in vitamins and minerals that increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. 

Regular use attenuates and reduces the size of scars. In addition, it contains anti-bacterial agents that protect against skin infections.

Its aroma is relaxing and can be enjoyed through techniques such as aromatherapy.

4. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is a powerful natural antiseptic and moisturizer that has been used in many alternative acne treatments .

It has a cooling action that regulates fat production and pH, to kill harmful bacteria.

Some people use it as a natural antimycotic because it fights against fungal infections of the skin and nails.

5. Coconut oil

Considered the ultimate natural moisturizer, coconut oil is a nutrient-dense product that promotes collagen production and replacement.

Its medium chain fatty acids and antioxidants prevent the formation of rich, blemishes and other blemishes associated with aging.

It also contains a substance called lauric acid which fights acne breakouts, yeast infections and other skin conditions.

6. Grape oil

Grape oil is obtained from its seeds. It stands out for its high content of antioxidants and healthy lipids.

This oil contains phenol, a substance that stimulates cell activity while stimulating hydration. It also provides vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant which helps repair cells affected by free radicals. 

This oil is recommended to fight against goose paste, dark spots and early richness that form on the neck and décolleté.

7. Avocado oil

Avocado oil

Known for its high content of essential fats and vitamins, avocado oil is a highly valued ingredient in the cosmetics industry.

This oil contains a significant amount of vitamin E. The antioxidant action of this vitamin delays aging and the appearance of sun spots.

It is easily absorbed by the skin and provides it with natural hydration.

8. Carrot oil

Carrot oil is another option for protecting the skin from environmental aggressors.

It is rich in vitamin A and fatty acids. These substances create a protective barrier against cell damage and premature wrinkles.

It is effective in preventing the appearance of dark spots as well as in unifying the complexion.

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