The 14 Uses Of Butter That Make Housework Easier

In order for our half onion to keep well in the refrigerator, we can cover it with butter to prevent it from softening and germs from come out.

We generally use butter exclusively for cooking. You surely do not know all the virtues of this product when it comes to housework. Virtues that go far beyond cooking.

So, below, we will tell you about the 14 uses of butter that will make it easier for you at home. You will surely find answers to problems that you had not been able to solve.

Remove water marks from wooden furniture

Moisture can leave water marks on wood. We often look for a solution to make them disappear, using expensive products that we find in stores. The solution: apply butter overnight and leave on the next day. Then all you have to do is clean!

Untangle necklaces

Knots in necklaces are often very difficult to untangle. The longer they are, the more tangled they are and the harder it is to remove them.

To do this simply, rub the collar with butter and massage the knot well until it has seeped into all the stitches. The butter will help loosen the metal, which will be more slippery and easier to disentangle. 

Store the onionsButter

When we use a lot of onions in the kitchen, sometimes we only need half of them. To prevent sprouts from getting soggy or soggy, just apply butter to the half of the onion you want to keep and it will preserve it longer.

Shine leather objects

Leather items need as much care as human skin to keep them looking radiant and clean. So rub a little butter with a tea towel on leather objects such as shoes, belts, furniture, among others. This is ideal for making them shine.

Prevent the water from overflowing

We often put water to boil and it happens that, through lack of attention, it overflows. A simple trick to prevent this is to put a small piece of butter in the water to say goodbye to spills.

Remove ink from plastic

Ink stains on plastic tend to be irritating. The solution is to apply butter to it. Olive oil softens the stain and salt helps extract it. Apply the butter to the surface of the plastic and then expose it to the sun for a whole day before cleaning it to remove the ink.

Shave easily

Most people shave certain parts of the body with the goal of making their skin shine and making it both softer and more beautiful. Shaving foams are often very expensive. They also often promote irritation.

An economical trick that gives good results is to apply butter to the area to be shaved. This will indeed help to achieve a quick shave and smooth skin.

Remove the chewing gum from the hair

Trying to remove chewing gum from your hair is an impossible puzzle that often ends up at the hairdresser.

To solve this very annoying problem, it is necessary to apply a large amount of butter which, thanks to its fat, will help considerably to slide the chewing gum. However, you must leave it on for a few minutes and then remove the chewing gum.

Remove a stuck ring

Due to swelling, heat or other factors, it is normal for the rings to get stuck on the fingers. Putting a little butter in it will help slide the ring out. 

Store the cheese

Cheese is a product that has a limited shelf life, and refrigerating it exposes it to decomposition faster than we imagine. A simple and effective trick to extend its shelf life is to apply butter to the portion of cheese and keep it in an airtight container.

Grease squeaky doorsButter

Over time, doors tend to make an annoying sound every time we open them, or the wind moves them. Applying butter to the hinges and doors will help make those squeaks and unpleasant noises go away.

Remove sticky residue

Removing sticky from surfaces is often tricky. A trick for this is to put butter on it, rub it in gently and then rinse it off with soap and water.

Cut sticky foods

A lot of foods are sticky because of specific ingredients. To prevent them from deforming, we only need to apply butter to the knife with which we cut them. 

Swallowing tablets more easily

Many people find it difficult to swallow the tablets. To facilitate this, you should rub the pastilles with a little butter and then take them with a glass of water.

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