Take These Three Alkaline Remedies Every Day And Take Care Of Your Health

Our bodies tend to be acidic and this is the ideal state for disease development. It is therefore essential to integrate alkaline remedies into our diet that help us balance it.

The origin of good health is found in our inner nature and above all, in the correct balance of the blood. Alkaline foods are an essential way to promote this inner harmony.

We know you’ve heard of pH before. On this site, we have often explained to you that the acidity or alkalinity of our body is measured on a scale from 0 to 14.

The optimum level at which equilibrium is assured is 7.4.

However, habits like stress, improper diet or environmental pollution can cause this “magic number” to change and as a result, health problems appear.

To avoid this, we suggest you do the following. Take note of the following alkaline remedies to take care of your health and pH. It’s easier than you think.

We will explain how to do it.

Alkaline remedies for everyday life

Daily alkaline remedies.

The alkaline remedies that we present to you are easy to prepare. However, it is important to always look for the best ingredients.

Lemons should be organic, just like apple cider vinegar. Likewise, it is important that you obtain purified water to carry out these remedies. You can find it in natural stores.

Purified water tastes milder when it has less chlorine and less fluoride. However, if you can’t find one, use mineral water.

We will tell you how to prepare this remedy and how to consume it.

1. In the morning: water with lemon, baking soda and apple vinegar

Maybe this mixture seems a little “strong” to start the day. Yet, you just need to adjust the amounts to your liking to find out what it can do for your health.

It is important to consume it on an empty stomach. This is when your stomach will be most receptive and when you will better absorb all of these nutrients.

  • You will detoxify your colon and intestines to make your digestion better.
  • Thanks to this natural tonic, you will eliminate toxins and take care of your lymphatic system. 
  • Apple vinegar is great for lowering high blood pressure and lowering triglyceride levels.
  • Both separate and together, the three ingredients of this remedy are powerful allies in balancing alkalinity.


  • 1 glass of purified water (200 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 g)
  • A small spoonful of apple cider vinegar (5 ml)
  • The juice of half a lemon


  • Dilute the baking soda and lemon juice in the glass of water. As we told you at the beginning of this article, if you see that the lemon juice is too strong, adjust the amount to your liking.
  • It is good that the water is a little lukewarm, because our body receives it much better this way.

2. After lunch: water with lemon and Himalayan salt

Water in alkaline remedies.

This alkaline remedy made from Himalayan salt and lemon is very healthy, digestible and medicinal.

To prepare it you need pink Himalayan salt. You can easily find it in any natural store and you will find that once you find it, it will be essential to you.

  • Associated with lemon, it offers us a good amount of vitamin C, bio-flavonoids, pectin and essential minerals that protect the immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Likewise, their essential oils have great antioxidant effects which take care of your weight and fight against water retention.

Also know that this alkaline remedy will also help you reduce headaches and stress.


  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • 1 pinch of pink Himalayan salt (1 g)
  • 1 glass of purified water (200 ml)


  • First, squeeze the juice from half a lemon (remember that it must be organic).
  • Then mix it with the glass of purified water and add this pinch of pink Himalayan salt.
  • Let sit for half an hour and drink before your main meal or in the afternoon when you feel tired or have a headache.

3. Alkaline remedies for dinner: artichoke water with lemon

Alkaline remedies for dinner.

You should take advantage of this simple alkaline remedy every time you cook artichokes. The water that results from cooking this vegetable is full of properties that our body adores.

  • Combined with lemon juice, this remedy is excellent for taking care of the liver and for lowering cholesterol. 
  • Besides being alkaline water full of vitamins, it can help us lose weight.

We invite you to take our of this remedy.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 lemon


  • Start by boiling this liter of water. Then add the artichokes and the lemon cut into four pieces.
  • Leave to cook and when you see that the artichokes are soft, remove the pan from the heat and keep the water.

When it is lukewarm, have a drink before dinner. You will see that it will do you good.

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