Symptoms And Treatments For Cataracts

When you have a cataract, things may appear blurry or less colorful. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives that help prevent or minimize their symptoms and we’ll reveal them to you here.

Over time, sight is damaged by our environment and we can develop cataracts as we age. Today we are particularly exposed to the brightness of computer screens and cell phones. In addition, pollution also causes damage to our eyes from sunlight, because it hits us more intensely.

The awareness of these attacks, leads us to think that it is enough to increase the diopters (unit expressing the optical power of the glasses) of the glasses. However, vision loss is not always due to nearsightedness or farsightedness. Sometimes it is related to cataracts.

Although we are now going to talk about the symptoms of cataracts, keep in mind that the sensation that appears is similar to what occurs when we look through a concave glass. Either way, we’ll explain all of that to you below.

Symptoms of cataracts

1. Blurred vision

As we said, it is first difficult for us to realize that we have this problem. Especially those of us who already have a pathology. However, there are situations that can help us detect it.

Usually, if we have a problem with our vision, it affects us, either when we want to focus on a distant subject or when it is near. So we see an improvement when we shorten or lengthen the distance.

However, sometimes the cataract is still there. Therefore, when we start to see blurry in all directions, we are likely to get cataracts.

2. Attenuation of the perception of brightness and colors due to cataracts

Symptoms due to cataracts

Do you read at night? If so, you may have noticed that the light intensity of the lamp is stronger. You can also be dazzled by the headlights of a car.

On the other hand, it is more difficult for you to distinguish the colors: suddenly, it is more complicated for you to distinguish the shades which belong to the same chromatic scale.

These two symptoms, especially if they happen at the same time, are signs that you have a cataract.

Natural treatments for cataracts

1. Eat foods rich in vitamins

Vitamin A is very helpful in taking care of the health of our eyes. In fact, it acts directly on the membrane on which the eyeball rests. It also generates rhodopsin, a substance that helps us better endure strong light. Some of the most effective foods are:

  • The carrot
  • Broccoli
  • The cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato or yam
  • Dairy products
  • The melon
  • Apricot
  • The mango
  • The veal
  • The chicken

On the other hand, vitamins B and C are indicated for the care of the lens, so that we can focus precisely. In order to receive a greater intake of these vitamins, we recommend that you consume:

  • Eggs
  • Clams
  • Octopus
  • Crab
  • Sardine
  • Some salmon
  • Citrus
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Red peppers
  • Acerola
  • Guava

2. Reduce salt intake

Salt helps reduce cataracts.

In other articles, we have already mentioned that salt absorbs liquids. This phenomenon also occurs with the mucous membrane that protects our eyes. When we consume too much salt, we are more likely to harm them.

When your eyes are dry, a simple blink of an eye can be a risk. This happens because the function of this mucous membrane, among other things, is to cover the organ with a protective film.

Therefore, when we no longer have this protection, the eyelid comes into direct contact with the eyeball, so that we can damage them.

3. Control the time of exposure to the sun

As we have pointed out, sunlight is harmful for those who suffer from cataracts. It has always been advised to avoid contact with the sun, as UVA rays damage the eyes. However, the increase in pollution means that UVA rays are much more aggressive today than in previous decades.

However, that does not mean that we have to run away from it. It is ideal for tanning at times when the sun is weakest during the day. In this way, we can take advantage of the vitamins it provides and their benefits.

4. Observe something you like for half an hour

Relaxation is very important in the treatment of cataracts. It doesn’t just happen by closing your eyes. Pleasure of the eyes can also be very useful. Indeed, it is interesting to fix your eyes on a landscape, a painting or a painting that you like.

This decreases the tension in the eyes, but also in the other tissues involved. We already know that it is essential for the body to function to be free from stress. And our eye health is no exception.

Cataracts are very annoying, and even crippling. Therefore, it is good to follow these recommendations, as they perfectly complement the treatments prescribed by the doctor.

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