Stress Is Not Good For Anyone

Stress and anxiety are mental factors that can influence the onset of physical ailments. So we have to learn how to manage them properly to avoid bigger problems.

The union of mind and body is so intimate and defining that we should pay more attention to it. The effects of stress and anxiety should not be overlooked.

Believe it or not, everything we bury ends up making us sick and stress is part of it.

Psychosomatic investigation (the relationship between psychology and medicine) has years of research and interesting analyzes that are published regularly in journals such as the Journal of Psychosomatic research.

Likewise, entities like the American Psychosomatic Society regularly report to us the latest findings concerning this direct link between biology and the emotional world.

Here, we invite you to discover the basic axes which structure this discipline, and which we should take into account in our daily life.

Emotions, stress, anxiety, and anything that we put on hold in our lifetime has serious side effects.

What we bury generates emotional blockages and injuries in our body

Not long ago, a TED talk ( Technology, Entertainment and Design) has caught the attention of many people. The psychologist surprised everyone by bringing a glass of water in her hand.

The audience immediately thought she was going to talk about the classic concept of full glass and empty glass. But his intention was quite different …

She walked over to the audience and asked them:  How much do you think  this glass of water weighs  ?

Glass of water

The responses have been varied and most of them good. However, the explanation given by this professional in emotional psychology was much deeper.

  • The weight of the glass will depend on how long I will have to wear it.
  • Nothing will happen if I hold it for 5 minutes. But, if I wear it for 2 hours, my arm will get tired and it will surely fall off eventually.
  • It’s the same with stress. The effect of this emotion does not cause side effects if we endure it for a relatively short time. But if we put up with it for weeks and months, we will eventually get sick.

What are psychosomatic illnesses?

  • Now imagine that we have a co-worker who constantly criticizes us. It is not something one-off, but its behavior is recurrent to the point that it becomes a habit and creates a very heavy work environment.
  • If we don’t say how we feel for months, all of this hidden emotion will take its toll on our health (it’s like carrying the glass of water at arm’s length for months).

A psychosomatic illness is when the mind ( psiché ) creates an alteration on the body ( soma ).

This reality is so common that it is even believed that some physical illnesses can worsen due to mental factors like stress and anxiety.

  • It is believed, for example, that conditions like psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and many heart conditions can develop due to psychosomatic problems like stress or anxiety.
  • You should also know that there are many individual differences. Each of us can face a specific fact in a different way.

stress is bad.

Physical effects of stress and everything we don’t show on a daily basis

When something bothers us and we don’t deal with it well, our brain turns it into a negative emotion with biological consequences.

It increases the activity of nerve impulses to release determined neurotransmitters like adrenaline.

This neurotransmitter also increases our blood flow and can cause the following problems:

  • Emotional blockages, stress and anxiety affect the activity of certain cells of the immune system, and therefore we become more vulnerable to disease.
  • Increased heart rate
  • The feeling of nausea
  • Tremors
  • Perspiration
  • Dry mouth
  • Chest pain
  • Headaches
  • Stomach pain.

How to deal with psychosomatic disorders?

While it is obvious that none of us have received training in emotional management, there are a few things that need to be aware of:

  • We must use the assertion: say what is bothering us at the moment and not when it is too late.
  • What we hide makes us sick. This is one thing we need to know. Negative emotions are dangerous for our health and we must know how to manage them.
  • We must practice emotional sincerity on a day-to-day basis with respect and assertion. Know that putting limits on what you don’t like, what hurts you or what alters you is a fundamental right, and no one is selfish when he says stop.
  • Devote between one and two hours a day to yourself. Take a walk, think about yourself, enjoy your hobbies or just take some time for yourself.

Remember that when faced with any symptom, any discomfort, such as poor digestion, tachycardia or nausea, it is important to see a doctor.

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