Skin Memory

The existence of skin memory determines an increased risk of long-term skin damage. Damage to the DNA of cells accumulates and in the long run it is difficult to stop it.

The memory of the skin is something real, not a poetic term or the name of a novel. This is a phenomenon that dermatologists are increasingly aware of. It is mainly linked to exposure to the sun and the damage that results from it.

The skin is the largest organ in our body. Overall, it occupies about 2 meters on average and weighs over 4 kilograms. It is divided into three layers:

  • Hypodermis
  • Dermis
  • Epidermis

This organ functions as a barrier from the outside, protecting us from aggressions and changes in our environment. In addition, it plays a very important role in our appearance, and even in our self-esteem. When we look at ourselves in a mirror, what we are seeing is a large part of our skin tissue.

Many people ignore the fact that the skin needs special care and needs to be protected from certain dangers, such as sun exposure. In this article, we explain what skin memory is, so that you can understand its importance.

What is the memory of the skin?

The memory of the skin is a curious phenomenon. It has nothing to do with brain memory as we understand it. It consists in the fact that the skin which has received a lot of exposure to the sun has a higher risk of suffering from skin damage in the future.

In other words, a person who has been exposed to a lot of sun without protection, after a significant number of years, is much more likely to start expressing skin damage. The problem is that they can be benign and precancerous lesions, even cancerous.

Even though we do not get sunburned at the time of exposure, this does not prevent the appearance of these lesions. This is the main reason why it is recommended to constantly use sunscreen. In addition, the protection factor should be equal to or greater than 30, covering all parts of the body that are exposed to the product.

The memory of the skin in the face of sun exposure.

How does the memory of the skin work?

Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight passes through the thickness of the skin. We distinguish between UVB and UVA rays. UVA rays can pass through clouds and even glass, and reach the middle layer of the skin.

This type of rays, penetrating so deeply, causes the processes of photoaging and sunspots. Likewise, they can also damage the DNA of cells and cause the mutation that leads to skin cancer.

UVB rays cannot penetrate the skin as deeply and are limited to the epidermis. They are responsible for sunburn. However, they are also linked to skin cancer, so you need to protect yourself against both types of radiation.

The memory of the skin is based on the fact that this radiation modifies the DNA of cells. What happens is that, first, these DNA damage are repaired. Over time, the damage accumulates, until it reaches a point where it can no longer be repaired. Once the cell repair process is exhausted, cancer appears.

Always protect your skin

The renewal and memory of the skin.

The memory of the skin is present from our birth. When the child is exposed to the sun without protection, the risk of injury is even greater. That is why special attention must be paid to children and to the hours of maximum radiation.

On the other hand, we need to be aware that skin cancer is related to radiation. Having fair skin and eyes is another risk factor, although this doesn’t rule out people with a different complexion. Let’s not forget that skin cancer is one of the most common.

That is why we must never forget to protect our skin. In addition, it is recommended to avoid ultraviolet radiation chambers for tanning. The appearance of long-term damage should not be a reason for weakening the defenses.

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