Remedies For Crow’s Feet And Bags Under The Eyes

Crow’s feet and bags under the eyes are linked to internal problems. Externally, we can prevent them by applying cosmetics and remedies suitable for this area.

The eyes and gaze are a very special part of the face that says a lot about the person. It is easy to take care of eyelashes and eyebrows. On the other hand, it is on the other hand more difficult to find remedies for crow’s feet and bags under the eyes.

In this article, we are going to walk you through some of the natural home remedies that will help you get rid of those marks that prematurely darken and age your eyes so that they glow every day.

If you take care of them naturally, we can significantly improve their appearance.

The eyes, a delicate area

The face is a part of the body that needs special care. Because it is one of the places that suffers the most from the effects of the passage of time and the climate.

One of the most delicate areas of the face is the part that surrounds the eyes. Indeed, the skin is very thin and it tends to highlight a night of insomnia, a bad diet, a propensity to water retention or young wrinkles.

These marks considerably age the face and remove luminosity and youth from the eyes. This is why we must take special care of this area.

Choose cosmetic products specific to this area, as natural as possible. If possible, made with organic ingredients and without alcohol, without paraffin or other petroleum derivatives, without parabens.

Crow’s feet and liver and kidney health

The relationship with the liver

When we see the first lines appear which mark the nascent crow’s feet, we must pay attention to the state of health of our liver, an organ directly linked to these wrinkles. Bags under the eyes, when they are fatty and not watery, are also caused by a fragile liver.

It will therefore be necessary to treat his liver especially with some of these remedies for crow’s feet:

  • Take a natural supplement made from milk thistle, a herbal remedy that helps regenerate the liver. However, people with serious liver problems should take certain precautions.
  • Avoid harmful fats in your diet: fried foods, trans fats, milk creams, red meats etc.
  • Apply heat to the liver (on the ribs on the right side) every night before going to bed.
  • Add fresh lemon juice to your dishes.
  • In some cases, vision problems also condition the appearance of crow’s feet. Therefore, care should be taken to wear lenses or glasses with the correct correction. Sight is also directly related to the liver.

The relationship with the kidneys

The bags that appear under the eyes, especially in the morning and sometimes accompanied by swollen eyelids, are symptoms of a saturated or not working kidney. If so, follow these tips:

  • Drink onion and parsley broths before each meal.
  • Cut down on your salt intake and try replacing it with seawater (available from health food stores.
  • Avoid including flour and dairy products in your dinners.
  • Take infusions of burdock, dandelion and horsetail. 
  • Drink two glasses of water on an empty stomach and a minimum of 2 liters during the day.
  • Apply heat daily to the mid-back area.

Remedies for goose feet: infusion of burdock

Home remedies for crow’s feet

Cucumber slices

Fresh cucumber slices have cooling and diuretic effects. So these are good quick remedies for crow’s feet. Apply to closed eyelids to make the whole area firmer. Leave them on for 5 minutes.

Green tea bags

Once you have drunk a green tea infusion, keep the sachets in the freezer and use them as an eye mask to relax, de-inflame and rejuvenate the eyes. Leave on until they have cooled completely.

Rosehip oil

This oil is ideal for mature and dry skin. It helps us prevent and fight against all types of wrinkles. it is therefore an ideal remedy against crow’s feet. Apply two drops, morning and evening, then massage gently, making small circles or giving light strokes with your fingers.

Facial massages: remedies for crow’s feet

You can perform simple, daily massages that will improve the appearance of your eyes and help relax your face and eyesight. 

  • To begin with, blink many times in a row, then close your eyes very hard to relax them.
  • Starting at the inner root of the eyebrows, massage yourself in small, almost imperceptible circles and continue to the outer part of the eyebrows. Then go down and follow the eye area until you reach the beginning of the eyebrows again.
  • Finally, rub your hands to warm them up and press your closed eyes on their palms.

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