Relax Your Muscles With This Natural Carrot And Celery Drink

In addition to helping us relieve pain, celery and carrot help us to strengthen and nourish the muscles, as well as to prevent possible disturbances.

At the end of your day, you may feel very tense, your elbow is stiff, and you may experience severe headaches, for example.

Muscle tension is one of the most common problems in the world population.

Experts tell us that the most critical area is the triangle that emerges from our neck to our shoulders. The fibers of the trapezius often undergo tensions there due to bad postures. But they can also be caused by emotional issues.

It should also be borne in mind that these pains are very much influenced by stress. To treat them, we therefore have to approach them from different angles. So we can treat all the causes that are at the origin.

In this article, we are going to offer you an effective remedy for relaxing your muscles, which is a delicious drink made with celery and carrot. How about trying it out today?

Celery, a great ally of our muscles

Pineapple celery smoothie

We all know celery is an excellent diuretic capable of helping us lose weight. Its flavor is delicious, and it is an excellent condiment for all our salads.

You might be surprised to learn, but celery has benefits for regulating blood circulation, as well as blood pressure.

What exactly are all of its properties?

  • Celery is a great health ally, but not just for relaxing muscles. It will also help us reduce any negative effects associated with stress.
  • The greatest qualities of celery are found in its seeds, which are very high in flavonoids.
  • Celery contains alpha-linoleic acid, a type of essential fatty acid that helps us reduce muscle pain.
    Plus, it’s great for reducing arthritis and gout problems.
  • Consuming celery on a regular basis will allow us to reduce muscle pain and prevent cramps, thanks to its high calcium content.
  • If you regularly suffer from muscle cramps during PMS, don’t hesitate to try our delicious celery and carrot drink.
  • Keep in mind that, thanks to the diuretic effects of celery, you can reduce inflammation and abdominal distension caused by water retention.
  • Celery seeds are also rich in a bio-element called limonene, which has a very effective tranquilizing effect in combating anxiety.

Carrot to relax muscles

The carrot is a vegetable rich in proteins, and will therefore allow us to strengthen our muscles.

When we suffer from cramps, distensions, or tension at the end of the day, especially between the neck and shoulders, our muscles and nerves are inflamed and weakened.

Consuming carrots on a regular basis will bring us the following benefits:

  • A carrot provides us with 1.25 grams of protein for 100 grams of vegetables.
  • The proteins present in carrots will help us create new proteins within our body responsible for rebuilding muscle tissue.
  • The proteins in carrots are rich in different amino acids, such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, arginine, and tryptophan. These are very powerful elements to relax the muscles, but also to feed them well.
  • Carrots aren’t just good for the eyesight. It also provides us with provitamin A. This vitamin will help us repair the cells of our organism damaged by stress, by the action of free radicals, and by polluting agents in our environment.

In addition to being delicious, carrots help us strengthen our muscles, nails and hair

Prepare a celery and carrot drink to relax your muscles


  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • The first thing to do is to clean the vegetables well. For this you can use a special brush to remove all harmful elements present on the vegetables.
  • Once everything is ready, cut the carrots and celery into small pieces, for easier mixing.
  • Put all the ingredients in the glass of your blender, then mix for a few minutes, until you obtain a smooth drink. Then add the glass of water to thin the mixture, and make it easier to drink.

When should you consume this drink?

  • The ideal is to drink a glass of this smoothie every morning. The idea is not only to relieve muscle pain, but also to prevent it. If you get into the habit of consuming this delicious drink, you will nourish and strengthen your muscles, in addition to relaxing them.
  • Do not hesitate to add carrot and celery, with its seeds, to all your salads. Consume them naturally, and without cooking them. Indeed, it is only raw that these vegetables retain all their properties and benefits.

How about trying this delicious carrot and celery drink today? You will love !

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