Recipe: Chicken Fillet Au Gratin With Mushrooms

The nutritional properties of its ingredients make the recipe for chicken au gratin with mushrooms an excellent dish that contributes to a balanced diet.

Would you like to learn how to prepare a delicious au gratin chicken fillet with mushrooms? If you are looking for a different alternative to surprise your family in your meals, this is the ideal option. Both chicken and mushrooms contain nutrients that promote well-being. By the way, this recipe is easy to prepare.

How to prepare a chicken fillet au gratin with mushrooms?

Consumption of white meat, such as chicken, is recommended to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Additionally, recent studies, such as the publication in Food & Nutrition Research, underscore its importance for human nutrition. Indeed, it is a source of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, mushrooms are a good addition to this ingredient. Not only for their delicious flavor, but also for their low calorie intake and nutrient content. According to data from the journal Nutrition Today, they provide potassium, fiber, vitamin D, and calcium.

Remember that the nutritional quality of these foods may vary depending on their preparation. For this reason,  it is essential to look for healthy recipes. Here is an alternative that you can taste on a special occasion. Take note!


  • 1/2 onion (30 g)
  • 2 cloves of garlic (6 g)
  • 1 cup of milk (240 ml)
  • 4 chicken breasts (600 g)
  • 6 or 10 mushrooms (150 g)
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (70 g)
  • 1/2 cup of cooking cream (120 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of powder to prepare the mushroom soup (10 g)
  • Black pepper

Preparation of chicken fillet au gratin with mushrooms

Mushroom cleaning

chicken mushrooms

First of all, the use of fresh mushrooms will give this dish a much nicer flavor and a very special touch. However, you will need to clean the mushrooms well before cooking them.

  • In general, Paris mushrooms, like all other mushrooms, have a rather delicate flesh. For this reason, it is therefore preferable not to place them directly under tap water. Indeed, it could make them lose texture. Therefore, it is better to cut off their stems and put them in a bowl of water.
  • Once thoroughly washed, remove the mushrooms from the bowl and let them drain in a sieve for a few seconds.
  • Once they have dried slightly, you can scrub them with a damp toothbrush. To do this, you will gently manipulate them one by one to remove all the dirt. Then, to finish you will submerge them again in a bowl of clean water.
  • Then you will let the mushrooms dry again so that they lose all the water. Then you will cut them into thin strips. Then, pour a little lemon on these slices, to prevent them from blackening. They will then finally be ready to start the recipe.

Properly cleaning the mushrooms is a long task, but not too difficult. Also, they will give the recipe a much tastier flavor and texture than if you use a can of canned mushrooms.

Preparation of mushrooms and sauce

chicken mushrooms

  • To continue with the recipe, you will need to mix the powder for the mushroom sauce with the milk. Mix everything well to obtain a homogeneous liquid. On the other hand, in a saucepan, heat the cream very gently.
  • As soon as the mixture begins to heat, pour in the milk. Then, stir it until it starts to heat up again without boiling. At this point, turn off the heat and reserve the sauce. On the other hand, you can start cutting the onion into thin strips and the garlic cloves into small pieces.
  • In a pan with olive oil, sauté these ingredients for a few minutes, until the onion begins to brown.
  • Then add the black pepper to taste and continue to sauté the mixture for about 3 more minutes.
  • At this point, reduce the heat to a minimum and add the mushrooms previously cut into thin strips. Then let them cook for about 10 minutes.
  • Then, add the mixture of milk and cream and continue to mix everything while keeping the heat to a minimum.
  • Finally, add the chicken breasts to the pot and cover it so that everything cooks perfectly for about two minutes.
  • The breasts will absorb the flavor of the sauce, mushrooms and onion, but they will remain slightly raw.
  • To finish, place the whole mixture in a baking dish and, on top, sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
  • With the oven preheated to 180 ºC, bake the dish for 15 or 20 minutes. You can check the cooking point by checking that the top and the layer of nuts are lightly browned.

With canned mushrooms

If you don’t have too much time for this lengthy recipe, you can also use canned mushrooms.  This way, you won’t have to clean the mushrooms one by one. It will suffice to open the can of mushrooms and cut them into thin slices.

Then you will add them to the pan and follow the advice of the previous recipe. This option will facilitate the preparation of the dish but will not taste the same as with fresh mushrooms.

Whichever option you choose to prepare this recipe, enjoy your chicken fillet au gratin with mushrooms. You can combine the chicken fillet au gratin with mushrooms with rice or mashed vegetables (carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.). They will go perfectly with this delicious recipe.

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