Purifying Cure With Green Tea, Lemon And Stevia

Autumn and spring are the best times of the year for a depurative cure.

Autumn and spring are the best times of the year for a cleansing treatment.

At least once a year, we must help our body to eliminate the accumulated toxins. They can have several causes: inadequate diet, bad lifestyle habits, excessive sedentarization, environmental pollution, negative emotions, etc.

All of this affects our health, and we must therefore strengthen our natural cleansing pathways.

In this article, we will therefore present to you a simple and effective cure, based on three medicinal foods. These are almost miraculous: lemon, green tea and stevia.

Why take a depurative cure?

Toxins can build up in our body and not be eliminated quickly. They will then be the cause of many chronic and degenerative diseases.

Our body is responsible for eliminating toxic substances through stool, urine, sweat, skin impurities, breathing, menstruation, etc.

However, sometimes the amount of toxins in the body is too great. In this case, the body reaches saturation, without being able to eliminate them all.

Depurative cures, cleanings and detox diets allow us to make the elimination of these substances more efficient, and therefore to feel much healthier.

As a result, we have more vitality, a better mood, and therefore a regenerated physical appearance.

It is important to specify that these cures are not made for weight loss. Indeed, in this case it would be necessary to accompany them with a more specific diet to generate this effect.

However, they can help us shed the few extra pounds if we carry them on once every two months.

Green tea

Green tea has important antioxidant properties, which help to delay cellular aging.

It also helps fight water retention, cleanse the skin of impurities and calm the effects of allergies.

It’s a natural anti-cancer food, and many nutritionists recommend consuming it regularly.

Even though it does reduce stress, it is important to take into account that green tea can have a mildly arousing effect.

The lemon

This medicinal and purifying food par excellence is a great purifier for the organism.

Although it is acidic, lemon has alkalizing effects and allows better digestion, as well as dissolving fats. It is ideal for treating cardiovascular disorders.


This healthy and natural sweetener can be found in supermarkets today quite easily.

It contains no calories, reduces arterial hypertension and strengthens our body’s natural defenses.

Its flavor is similar to licorice, and with just a few grams you can sweeten an entire dish.

Stevia can be marketed in its refined form, which does not have the same medicinal benefits at all that we are telling you about.

However, unlike white sugar and artificial sweeteners, it is not harmful to health.

How to carry out your depurative cure?

Prepare yourself, daily, an infusion of two liters of green tea.

For this, use 5 sachets or 5 spoonfuls of green tea, which you will immerse in two liters of water.

  • Do not let the water boil (let it rise to only 80 degrees), and steep the tea for about 4 minutes.
  • Then remove the tea and add the fresh juice of two lemons.
  • Sweeten your infusion with a few drops of pure stevia extract, according to your taste.
  • If, instead of the stevia extract, you have this plant in its dried form, add it at the end of the infusion.

This drink, which can fill about 8 glasses, should be consumed at three times of the day:

  • On an empty stomach: 2 glasses
  • Throughout the day: 3 glasses
  • Throughout the afternoon:  3 glasses

You should drink them outside of your meals, half an hour before eating, or an hour and a half after eating.

Do not forget !

This cleansing treatment lasts between two and four weeks, depending on the results you get throughout the process.

During this time, you don’t have to follow a strict diet, but make sure you eat only healthy foods, and avoid those that can be harmful to your health, such as:

  • Sweet foods
  • Refined flour
  • Fried foods and hydrogenated fats
  • Prepared foods
  • Very fatty meats and cheeses
  • Stimulant foods: alcohol, roasted coffee, black tea or sodas.

And there you have it, you know how to carry out a cleansing cure.

Images by Neil Gorman, DorteF and Hebam3000.

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