Pain On The Right Side Of The Abdomen: Why?

The most common cause of pain on the right side of the abdomen is gas. However, if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, a specialist should be consulted.

This has happened to us before: a sudden pain in the abdomen, throbbing and very bothersome. Sometimes she focuses on the right side. Its origin worries us and distresses us a little. We will explain to you what are the possible causes so that you can take them into account when you want to remedy them.

Causes of pain on the right side of the abdomen

We have all suffered from abdominal pain, more or less frequently. But when this discomfort is focused on one particular place and repeats itself a few times, it can start to worry us. Particularly if the pain is on the right side, that of the liver, an organ which, when affected, causes a lot of fear.

First of all, we owe it to you to reassure you and tell you that it can be due to many causes other than the liver. We will see what are the factors to take into account:

1. The gases

Woman with abdominal pain

Rest easy because gas is the simplest and most common cause. Digestion goes badly, or we may simply be constipated. All of this causes gas to build up which eventually swells the abdomen.

Pain is then common in this area under the ribs, and it is more bothersome on the right side is common.

The first thing to do is learn to identify the type of pain. Do you feel full? Is it a pain that occurs after meals and in the morning? Is it occasional pain? If you answer yes to these questions, don’t worry, they are surely gas.

2. Colon problems

Diseases associated with the intestine can also be the cause of abdominal pain in the right part. The first cause is often gas. If it is not gas, it may be inflammation of the intestine.

What diseases are associated with inflammation of the intestines? These include colitis, irritation of the colon and even severe Crohn’s disease. All of these pathologies affect the colon area.

In order to be able to separate them from simple gas, it is essential to know whether or not you have diarrhea. If so, stay alert. The symptoms of all these illnesses are abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Affected individuals may also experience pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. Don’t be too alarmed either, since colitis and Crohn’s disease can be treated with medications that help control symptoms.

The important thing is to see a doctor.

3. The kidneys


The third cause that can generate pain on the right side of the abdomen can be from the kidneys. This could be, for example, a kidney infection or kidney stones . With a kidney infection, we experience strong abdominal pain, severe and very intense, which even extends to the back. This is very significant.

In this case, we will also have difficulty urinating, which will seem strange. The fever can also rise. As you can see, the symptoms are very clear. The first phases can be milder but the signs are still quite clear. They cannot be confused with simple gases.

These are painful diseases, but there are treatments. If you have kidney stones, the symptoms will go away quickly once the small stones have passed.

4. The pancreas

The pancreas is teardrop shaped and is located next to the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine). It is therefore located between the stomach and the spine, surrounded by the liver and intestines, close to the right side.

We have to take it into account. We may have an infection of the pancreas if we have pain in the right part of the abdomen.

Symptoms are similar to those of gallbladder disease. We can thus feel an abdominal pain which would start from the stomach or the back. To be able to differentiate it from other symptoms, focus on how you feel after eating.

If you are vomiting or have nausea, you may have had pancreatitis.

5. Ulcers

Very common, ulcers in the stomach can also cause pain in any part of the abdomen.

However, you should know that peptic or abdominal ulcers are concentrated on the right side of the abdomen. It is a pain that comes and goes but becomes more annoying when we eat spicy dishes for example.

We hope to have enlightened you on the causes of pain on the right side of the abdomen. Remember that in most cases this is gas. If the throbbing discomfort persists and prevents you from having a normal life, see a doctor immediately.

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