Opening Our Eyes Is Harder Than Opening Our Mouth

If we have two eyes and one mouth, then we have to watch twice what we say. Keep this simple calculation in mind when developing your personal relationships.

Opening our eyes with our hearts allows us to understand and discover much more than when we open our mouths.

The first step we need to take to connect with someone is to listen to them and watch them first. While keeping your lips closed.

Today’s society no longer leaves room for introspection. We no longer have the time to apprehend the world around us by letting ourselves be penetrated by silence and by not making judgments.

Professional goals, social networks, sharing the latest rumors and all the social behaviors that are imposed on us… All of this is guided by immediacy and not by hindsight.

In the rest of this article, we suggest you take some time, breathe, and start seeing things with more open eyes and an ever-receptive heart. How about getting started now?

Open your eyes to open your mind

You may have heard of the “ slow ” movement . It is a cultural current which advocates great psychological and emotional transcendence.

This current of thought and attitude towards life indeed aims to make us think about the rhythm imposed on us by new technologies. By the hyper-connectivity of our society which affects the quality of the communication we have with others.

There are more and more voices rising to denounce the harmful effects of fast food. In the same way, the followers of the “ slow ” movement criticize the rhythm imposed on us by society.

We stopped looking at other people’s eyes and replaced them with screens.

Our interpersonal relationships, however, require time and reflection.

know how to look

Listen before you speak

This is indeed one of the things that can hurt us the most in our conversations with others. Some people listen to us only to answer us, not to understand us.

  • Before opening our mouths, we must open our eyes and our ears to activate the mechanisms of empathic communication.
  • Empathetic communication is that which takes into account the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication.

The first thing to take into account is therefore the message that others send to us.

Our eyes should be attentive to details, gestures, expressions and everyone emotional that is invisible to us.

Indeed, it is essential that we disconnect ourselves from the frantic pace of our society in order to have calm conversations. Conversations that allow us to connect 100% with the person in front of us.

The eyes that know how to contemplate connect to our heart

Socrates said that the art of contemplating is the virtue of questioning us about the why of things.

We should all be able to differentiate the art of “seeing” from the need to be able to “contemplate”.

  • Thus, those who limit themselves to “seeing” discover the shape of things, the noise emitted by people and the superficiality of the world, without going into depth. He lets himself be carried away by appearances and by his own judgment, without ever connecting with those who are in his presence.
  • Conversely, when we contemplate our reality, we do so from a much more intimate point of view. We contemplate things from our consciousness, which allows us to connect our eyes to our heart.
    We search for the meaning of things and we make an exceptional connection to the things and people around us.

The eyes tell the truth, the mouth only emits rumors

It is often said that sincere eyes do not need captions, because the gaze is a reflection of our emotional world.

If the eyes have such an exceptional ability, then we must put it to good use.

Listen without judging, contemplate without condemning and get closer to the people you talk to to understand them with integrity and respect.

  • Use your eyes for information and learn to choose every word you say.
    Never use words to hurt, be sincere, and never abuse communication.
  • When you meet someone who doesn’t hold your gaze, who has shifty eyes, ask yourself why.
    Maybe he is not confident or he suffers from shyness. However, it is always necessary for two people to look each other in the eye when talking to each other.
  • In our daily relationships, we have to deal with a number of rumors. To all those mouths who speak without knowing, who live a rushed life. And who show neither respect nor emotional intelligence.

So don’t get upset with the reviews, it’s not worth it. The one who closes his eyes and opens only his mouth will not say anything interesting about you, because he does not know you.

It’s his world, his reality, his way of thinking. Don’t waste time with people who aren’t worth it.

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