One Week Detox Plan With Green Juices

It is essential that in addition to juices, we drink at least two liters of water per day in order to improve the work of the kidneys and promote depuration.

Still not sure what a detox plan is and its incredible health benefits? A detox or depurative plan is a cleansing of the body.

It is a purifying cure to eliminate toxins. To purify ourselves both inside and out in order to feel better and with more energy. And thus improve our physique and obtain a healthy and balanced weight.

Find out below how to make a simple detox plan using delicious and surprising green juices. Give it a try!

What is a  detox plan ?

A detox plan is a schedule over a short period of time to focus on removing toxins from our body through food and natural supplements.

There are many types of cleanses: based on juices, smoothies, medicinal plants, super foods, syrups, etc. There are also many fad diets that promise incredible results from consuming just one food for a period of time.

However, we believe that a detox plan should be healthy and nutritious, and be a complement to a balanced diet. We will achieve results gradually, without any health risk or unnecessary sacrifice.

The health benefits

The health benefits of a detox plan

  • Eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and which predispose us to suffer from different types of diseases.
  • Improve the function of internal organs such as the liver and kidneys.
  • Balance the digestive system and fight intestinal disorders.
  • Gain energy and vitality.
  • Fight nervous disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, etc.
  • Prevent insomnia in a natural way and improve nighttime rest.
  • Increase defenses against any kind of pathogenic element.
  • Improve skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, etc.
  • Reduce symptoms of chronic diseases.

The best beauty method

The positive results of our detox plan will also reverberate externally, acting as the best beauty remedy for skin, hair and nails.

As much for the nutrients that green juices provide us as for the toxins that we will eliminate from the body, we will arrive at:

  • Balance the sebum of the skin and hair, providing extra shine and softness.
  • Eliminate all kinds of impurities and acne.

In addition, it is the best antioxidant remedy to prevent aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Green juices

We should not be afraid of the color of these juices because, although the dominant pigment is green, they taste sweet thanks to the combination of fruits and vegetables.

Those who taste them will not only be surprised by their delicious taste, but they will also be able to notice their positive health effects very quickly.


The quantities we give you correspond to the daily quantities, which is why we will have to prepare it every day:

  • 1 bunch of raw green vegetables (200 g)
  • 2 fruits
  • 1 teaspoon of spirulina powder (4 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (24 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil (14 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered wheat germ (5 g)
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)

A detox week

a week detox

To make the detox juice week, we suggest you combine different fruits and vegetables.


We start the week with one of the most classic juices in order to introduce these green juices: spinach and strawberries.

  • This juice is rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin C, which is why it is excellent for fighting and preventing anemia and fatigue.


Tuesday juice is also slightly spicy and refreshing thanks to its two main ingredients: arugula and pineapple.

This juice is strongly purifying, it improves digestive function and the elimination of liquids.


We arrive at Wednesday with a different and exotic juice: chard and mango.

This juice, rich in beta-carotenes, is very antioxidant, remineralizing and it promotes intestinal function.


For these juices we can also take advantage of certain green leaves that we are used to consuming and combine them with fruits to improve their flavor: in this case we will mix the radish leaves with the pear.

It is a very detoxifying juice that improves the function of the liver and kidneys.


The weekend is approaching and we must reinforce the purification: watercress and apple.

It is also a great combination to take care of liver health.


On Saturdays, we offer a very nutritious juice: beet leaves and avocado.

This juice will provide us with a large amount of vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals.


We will end the week with a purple juice: lamb’s lettuce and cranberry.

This juice will help us prevent UTIs and also improve our eyesight.

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