Oatmeal And Milk Mask: Say Goodbye To Blackheads And Acne

Oats and milk have exfoliating and astringent properties that help us cleanse pores and eliminate impurities to prevent the appearance of acne pimples.

Blackheads and acne pimples are very common skin problems that tend to affect a large portion of teenagers around the world, and adults, to a lesser extent

In fact, it is a condition produced by the obstruction of the pores of the skin. This can be due to the excessive production of sebum or the accumulation of certain impurities which are absorbed as a result of exposure to environmental pollution.

Acne generates self-esteem issues in people who suffer from it, as pimples have always been considered unsightly.

Thus, many companies have today developed various treatments that can make it possible to obtain a face without impurities.

However, alternative medicine and natural beauty products provide excellent remedies. Thanks to their properties, they can treat acne and improve the condition of the skin, without suffering from side effects.

One of the natural products that can help reduce this problem is the oatmeal milk mask.

Do you want to solve your acne problems? Look no further, here is the home remedy you need, and why its ingredients are the best.

The oatmeal and milk acne mask

For hundreds of years, oats like milk have been part of the beauty programs of thousands of people. They took advantage of all their virtues in order to have more beautiful and radiant skin.

The combination of these two ingredients creates a mask with astringent and exfoliating properties, which facilitate the elimination of dead cells and other impurities that generate acne.

In addition, this mixture has the property of regulating the pH of the skin to reduce excess fat.

What are the benefits of oats?

Oats are one of the most complete grains that nature offers us.

This is because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other important compounds.

Today, it is used as an active compound in several commercial products, thanks to its strong moisturizing and repairing power which improves the appearance of the skin.

  • One of its main virtues is its cleaning action, ideal for absorbing all the dirt and residues that accumulate in the pores.
  • It takes care of the structure of the skin, regulating its natural pH thanks to the proteins it contains.
  • It provides deep hydration to the skin, to prevent dehydration and damage due to environmental aggressions.
  • For many years, it has been used as a natural exfoliant, ideal for treating blackheads, pimples and other skin blemishes.

What are the benefits of milk?

Lactic acid from milk and its natural fats have been used throughout history to treat various skin problems like acne and burns.

Just like oats, today milk is part of commercial beauty products for its nutrients that take care of different skin types.

  • It contains vitamin A, an essential ingredient for nourishing and repairing skin tissue.
  • Lactic acid acts as a hydrating element, ideal for moistening the skin and making it soft.
  • In addition, it has an exfoliating action that facilitates the removal of dead skin and other impurities that cause acne.

However, it is best not to use it in summer because lactic acid decreases the skin’s defenses against UV rays.

How to prepare this mask?


  • ½ cup of milk (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of oats (20 g)


  • Start by mixing the oats with the milk until you obtain a more or less thick paste.
  • Then wash your face with normal soap, and apply the mask. Be careful not to get it in your eyes.
  • After applying it all over the skin, leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a week, as the results will not be immediate. It takes regularity to see the effects in a short time.

Optionally, you can add a little honey to this mask to take advantage of its antibiotic and restorative action.

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