Oat Milk: Properties And Benefits

Oat milk or drink is a food with a very interesting nutritional profile to prevent metabolic and digestive disorders, in addition to many others affections. Take note!

Oat milk is a good alternative for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet. For those who absolutely do not want to consume more animal drinks or those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

In any case, oat milk is an excellent natural choice, even for the youngest members of the household, because of its nutritional richness and the benefits it provides. But you might have already wondered, why is it called oat milk when it’s not really a dairy product?

We could say that this name serves more of an advertising purpose, probably derived from the appearance of the soy drink, and because, in a sense, a lot of people tend to identify it that way. However, its correct name is “oat drink” or “vegetable oat drink”.

Oat milk intake

Nutritional information on oat milk

In 100 ml of oat milk, we find the following nutrients:

  • 1 g of protein
  • 0.04 g sodium
  • 0% cholesterol
  • 0% lactose
  • 1.5 g of fat (42% is polyunsaturated)
  • 9.7% fiber

Due to its characteristics, we can see that it is a beneficial food for those who cannot consume lactose or who have had high levels of fat in the blood. Its low sodium content also makes it recommendable for those who have observed an increase in their blood pressure.

Nutritional properties of oat milk

What are the nutritional properties of oat milk?

Oat milk is a drink rich in essential nutrients and offers a wide range of benefits and properties, ideal as part of a healthy, varied and balanced diet.

  • Fibers

The oatmeal drink provides good amounts of fiber, essential for the proper functioning of our intestines, useful for regulating intestinal transit and for preventing or treating constipation.

  • Carbohydrates

It is a drink that provides energy, especially thanks to its high content of healthy carbohydrates. In fact, 100 grams of this drink provides almost 10 grams of complex carbohydrates.

  • High in protein

The oat-based drink is distinguished by its high protein content, although obviously, compared to animal drinks, such as cow’s milk, its contribution is much lower. However, a glass of oat milk provides 2 grams of protein.

  • High in B vitamins

It is a drink with an interesting contribution of group B vitamins, essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system.

  • Presence of essential amino acids

Oat milk provides good amounts of essential amino acids, which help our bodies form new tissue and maintain muscles and the nervous system.

  • High calcium content

Although calcium is often associated with dairy products of animal origin, did you know that 100 grams of oat milk provides 120 mg of calcium? This mineral contributes to the health of our bones, keeping them healthy so that they develop healthy and strong.

Health benefits

A glass of oat milk

Everything that we know today confirms or extends some of the knowledge of folk medicine, and allows us to say that oats are an effective food to preserve health or help restore it.

1. It lowers cholesterol

Oatmeal drink does not provide cholesterol, and is actually a great drink when it comes to helping our body reduce high levels of fat in the blood. Not only cholesterol, but also triglycerides.

In addition, as has been studied, regular consumption of oats prevents obesity and reduces the distribution of abdominal fat, while improving liver function in humans.

2. It helps to purify the body

Oat milk is purifying, so it’s great for helping us maintain good health and a clean body. Likewise, it helps us lose weight because it allows us to get rid of what we don’t need.

3. It helps control sugar

Oat milk stimulates the activity of the pancreas, is a source of carbohydrates and slowly assimilated fiber. It is therefore recommended for non-insulin dependent diabetics because it helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Eating it for breakfast, for example, helps control blood sugar better.

4. Protection against cancer

Some studies in the United States seem to link the consumption of oat milk to some protection against certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast or prostate cancer. This is particularly important at a time when the death rate from different cancers is increasing year by year.

5. About digestive health

Many people with digestive ulcers drink oatmeal daily to relieve their symptoms. It is also useful for heartburn, gastritis, constipation (as a decoction of whole grains) or diarrhea (as a decoction of shelled grains) and gas.

A study, carried out in 2014, of the various scientific studies carried out so far concerning the effects of oats on constipation, revealed that oats can indeed significantly increase stool weight and reduce constipation.

Finally, we hope that this information has been useful to you. Try to introduce this vegetable drink in your diet, we are sure that it will bring you great benefits.

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