Nux Vomica: What Is It And How Do You Use It?

Nux vomica has been used to treat stomach problems, hangovers, and period pain. Find out if there is scientific evidence to support these benefits.

Strychnos nuxvomica  is a medium-sized tree with perennial leaves, native to China, Thailand, East India and Australia. Its seed, also known as the vomit nut or nux vomica , is used as a natural remedy to treat various disorders and symptoms.

Erectile dysfunction, constipation, migraine, bloating and anxiety are some of the health problems for which Nux vomica has traditionally been used. However,  there is currently no scientific evidence to support these uses.

This seed is poisonous when raw. This is because it contains an alkaloid called strychnine which in some cases is used as a poison for rats. It can therefore be dangerous, but it can be found on the market in the form of tablets or powder.

Benefits of Nux vomica

Some people testify that Nux vomica has anti-inflammatory properties; it would be used to treat asthma, rheumatism and hemorrhoids. According to an animal study by the American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture , Nux vomica may be effective in treating inflammation.

These seeds also contain antioxidants, so  they could fight free radicals that damage cells in the body. On the other hand, they are believed to have antiseptic properties but this requires further study.

According to a study done on mice by Phytotherapy Research , the alkaloids in Nux vomica may inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells, such as those in colon cancer. However, more studies are needed on this subject and  it cannot be considered a first choice treatment in oncology.

For its part, a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology proposed the idea that these seeds could stop the growth of carcinogenic cells in the human liver. Again, there aren’t enough studies on this to support this theory.

Many people use Nux vomica to treat a variety of conditions. This is the case with back pain, constipation, menstrual pain, impotence and male infertility. This seed also has anecdotal use for migraines, anxiety, and insomnia.

However,  Nux vomica lacks scientific evidence to support such benefits. We therefore recommend that you consult a doctor before taking it.

Finally, a study with mice from the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine suggested that Nux vomica may help in the treatment of alcohol use disorders. However, at this time, the effects on human alcoholic patients have not been tested.

Alcoholism in a man.

How is Nux vomica used?

Nux vomica supplements are available over the counter. They can be purchased at health food stores in tablet or powder form. Each manufacturer manages varying doses and instructions because, since this seed lacks scientific support, one has no idea of ​​the exact amount needed.

It is therefore recommended, before consuming it, to consult a doctor. You should not be guided by the product label. On the other hand, if you are lactose intolerant, you should look to see if it was made with dairy products because there are formulas that do not contain it.

According to some manufacturers, this product has a three-year expiration date if stored in dry, dark places.

Possible risks of its consumption

Nux vomica is considered to be an unsafe seed for human consumption. It is believed that ingesting 30 milligrams or more of this product can cause serious side effects, which include the following:

  • Stiffness in the back and neck.
  • Anxiety.
  • Nausea and convulsions.
  • Spasms in the muscles of the mandible.
  • Hepatic insufficiency.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH for its acronyms in English)  qualifies Nux vomica as dangerous because of its serious neurological side effects. It is therefore recommended to never use any products that contain this seed without first consulting a doctor. Especially if used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Who should avoid it?

Although Nux vomica is not recommended for anyone, there is a higher risk of increased toxic side effects in some people. It is therefore essential to avoid its consumption in the following cases:

  • Pregnant women or infants. This seed causes serious damage, both to the child and to the mother.
  • Patients with liver disease. Nux vomica can worsen and even cause liver damage because the seed contains strychnine.

A liver in pictures.

What to remember about Nux vomica?

Nux vomica is native to Australia, Thailand, China and East India. It is traditionally used to treat a variety of conditions such as erectile dysfunction, anxiety, constipation, period pain and migraines.

However,  at present, there are not enough scientific studies to confirm these benefits. On the contrary, this seed could generate serious side effects if ingested in high doses.

Take into account that each manufacturer manages different doses and instructions. It is therefore not advisable to be guided by the indications on the product label. They don’t have a health certificate.

Everyone should avoid its consumption, but especially pregnant women, infants, children and people with liver disease. Before ingesting Nux vomica, be sure to consult a doctor.

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