Nopal And Its Healing Properties

Nopal, or prickly pear, has diuretic properties, aids digestion, and helps prevent obesity thanks to its high fiber content.

Nopal is a plant that is part of the cactus family that is commonly found in America, where it grows wild.

This plant does not require a lot of maintenance and can grow on any type of soil. This is why she is so popular!

In addition, it has a variety of very beneficial properties for our health that we will discuss in today’s article!

Its nutritional values

This plant is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, carbohydrates, nitrogen components, fiber, vitamins A, B, C and K, chlorophyll, riboflavin and proteins!

Moreover, many studies have confirmed that nopal is very beneficial for our body, by helping the functioning of the nervous, immunological, circulatory, digestive and respiratory system.

Regarding its external use, nopal has many properties that are very useful in beauty care, creams or other lotions that treat the hair or the skin, such as soaps, shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, ointments , eye shadow, etc.

It is also used in traditional medicine to treat burns and other types of wounds.

The benefits of nopal.

It can be consumed in different forms: juice, sauce, powder, soup, salad, jam, broth, with a mixture of cereals or a fruit.

Regarding its culinary use, nopal is generally used as a garnish, and its leaves are used instead of vegetables in some dishes.

It is also very popular in the form of milkshake with fruit!

Nopal: its properties for health

  • Its antibiotic power: it directly stops the growth and development of many bacteria. We use nopal as a poultice (thanks to its leaves). Since it is very beneficial for the skin, especially for healing wounds or treating infections.
  • It treats arteriosclerosis: this cardiovascular inflammation can be treated thanks to this plant, since it is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory of first choice. Consuming fresh or powdered nopal juice regularly could help prevent this disease.

The nopal for health.

  • A bulwark against cancer:  nopal has a lot of dietary fibers, both soluble and insoluble. And precisely, the latter absorb water and help food to circulate better through the digestive system.
    Indeed, this plant improves digestion by diluting the concentration of cells which can be potentially carcinogenic for the colon, which would prevent the appearance of cancer.
  • It helps control cholesterol: nopal can prevent excess sugar in the blood and its transformation into fat. Thanks to amino acids, vitamin B3 and fiber, which helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Thus eliminating bile acids, which later turn into cholesterol.
  • It improves the functioning of the colon:  its active ingredients help prevent the absorption of fats and carbohydrates; nopal thus maintains a certain balance in the blood and helps control obesity.
    Nopal contains fiber which absorbs glucose into the intestine. What keeps this organ clean and in good condition!

 The nopal for the colon.

  • It controls diabetes: it has the ability to control blood sugar. Thanks to its 18 amino acids. This allows the body to have more energy and fight fatigue, and thus reduce the level of glucose. To strengthen the liver and pancreas, increase insulin sensitivity and stimulate the movement of glucose in all cells of the body.
    Nopal also decreases the digestion of carbohydrates. Reducing the production of insulin.

Other benefits of nopal

  • It improves digestion: thanks to the vitamins of group B (1, 2 and 3) and C, in addition to calcium. Potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron.
    The antioxidant power of nopal provides great protection against toxins that accompany food. And reduces the harmful effects of ingesting alcohol and certain “heavy” foods.
  • It prevents constipation: the fibers contained in nopal help a lot in digestion and to regulate transit problems.
  • An ally against obesity: thanks to the large amount of fiber it contains, nopal helps to delay the process of absorption of food and their integration into the blood. Thus facilitating their elimination, and allowing fluids to reach the blood more quickly.
    Nopal also helps reduce cellulite and retention. Also, it is recommended to consume it with orange juice for example.
    On the other hand, the insoluble fibers that it has generate a feeling of satiety that cuts the desire to eat. And it also ensures the intestinal movement for a good evacuation.
  • It strengthens the immune system:  nopal has many vitamins, especially supplements A, B and C. It also provides minerals and a lot of amino acids which eliminate toxins. To detoxify the liver and eliminate the harmful effects of pollution, cigarette smoke, alcohol problems, etc.
    Phytochemicals, on the other hand, help the body defend itself against any attack by viruses or bacteria.
  • It prevents nervous system problems:  it allows you to relax, to acquire a good state of mind. And to eradicate the problems of depression or emotional imbalances.
  • It is an excellent diuretic: nopal juice is used to relieve inflammation of the urinary tract and reduce pain in the kidneys and bladder.

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