Natural Remedies To Remove Warts

Garlic helps us dry out warts, and thanks to its properties, we will make them disappear forever in the affected areas.

Warts are growths on the skin that are caused by a virus. Their size and color may vary. They are mostly found on the hands, feet and neck. But in fact, they can appear on any part of the body!

Warts are not cancerous and do not affect health. But they cause embarrassment and insecurity in those who suffer from them.

Garlic: an effective remedy for removing warts

Garlic is a very healthy product that is good to include in your diet. And which will also effectively help you get rid of your warts.

Garlic should be applied directly to the affected part by proceeding as follows. Crush a clove of fresh garlic until you get a thick paste that you will apply directly to the wart. Then you will leave it on overnight after covering it with sterile gauze.

The next morning when you wake up, remove the garlic and cleanse the skin well. Follow the same process every night until the wart dries up and eventually falls off.  Garlic will also be used to prevent the appearance of other warts in this precise place.

one of the natural remedies for removing warts, garlic

Garlic works effectively on both small and large warts. But in the latter case, it will take longer to disappear completely, maybe a month or two. You just need to be patient and consistent!

The adhesive tape method

This method is valid for everyone, even for children.

  • It consists of putting a small piece of adhesive tape on the wart for six days.
  • Then remove the adhesive tape and soak the wart with water for a few minutes.
  • Then, using a nail file or pumice stone, gently rub the wart to remove dead skin.
  • We put another piece of adhesive tape. And we use the same process again until the wart is gone. Which can take about two months.

Banana peel

Banana peel to remove warts

Since banana peel contains salicylic acid, it will dry out warts if you use it in the following way at bedtime.

  • Cut a small piece of banana peel and place it on the wart. Make sure that the inner part of the banana peel makes contact with the wart .
  • Then secure it with a piece of duct tape.
  • You can renew this dressing once or twice a day, and continue this treatment until the wart disappears.

Lemon juice

By applying lemon juice to warts several times a day, you can get rid of them! It suffices to proceed as follows. Soak a small piece of cotton in lemon juice. And spend a few seconds on the area where the warts are.

Repeat this three or four times a day until the wart turns black and eventually falls off.

Photographs courtesy of Fortimbras and robin_24.

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