Natural Remedies For Bad Breath

Still do not know the most effective natural products for eliminating bad breath? Yet you have them at your fingertips. Today we explain to you in this article what are the best natural remedies that will help you fight bad breath. Discover them all!

You don’t yet know the most effective natural products for eliminating bad breath? Yet you have them at your fingertips. Today we explain to you in this article what are the best natural remedies that will help you fight bad breath. Discover them all!

To combat bad breath, expensive commercial rinses are not always necessary. In fact, there are many natural solutions that can effectively neutralize bad breath while providing many additional benefits.

Are you suffering from this problem? If this is the case, today we invite you to discover several solutions and natural remedies that will help you fight against bad breath.

Bad mouth odor or halitosis often develops due to an overgrowth of bacteria in the teeth, gums, and tongue. You should also know that bad breath can also be the result of the accumulation of food waste, alterations in saliva but also digestive and oral diseases.

Although this disorder is usually not serious, people who suffer from it can sometimes have problems with self-esteem due to the discomfort it produces especially at a social level.

Therefore, in addition to strengthening oral hygiene habits, it is advisable to know about different alternative natural remedies to reduce and eliminate bad breath permanently.

What are the causes of bad breath?

how to fight against bad breath?

To effectively fight bad breath, it is important to determine its origin first. Although there are many commercial products available to deal with it, sometimes other treatments are needed to eliminate it completely.

The main causes of bad breath can be, among others, the following:


In most cases, bad breath owes its origin to the excessive presence of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria can appear on the tongue when tooth brushing is not regular.

Bacteria that live in the oral cavity can grow excessively, causing several types of infections. By feeding on the leftover food that lodges in the mouth, bacteria can sometimes produce a foul odor.

Dry mouth

Dehydration or an imbalance in the pH of the saliva can cause the mouth to dry out, which can lead to bad breath. One of the main causes of bad breath is dryness that occurs throughout the mouth and on the tongue, due to dehydration.

This problem leads to bad oral odor, as saliva plays an important role in controlling bacterial growth. Hydration is therefore fundamental to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. To decrease halitosis, it is important to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day.

Gum disease

Bad breath that keeps coming back can also alert you to gum disease. In these cases, bad breath is usually accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth, increased sensitivity, and other annoyances.

Very often bad breath is caused by poor dental hygiene, gum problems, oral pathology but also by cavities. For this reason, you should also visit your dentist on a regular basis.

Certain foods

Eating certain foods can also leave a bad odor in the mouth, even after using a toothbrush and dental floss. Among the foods that can cause bad breath, the most common are, among others : garlic and onion, red meat, fish and condiments. 

So, if the origin of bad breath is caused by these foods, reduce their consumption for a while. On the other hand, the consumption of coffee, tobacco, alcohol, cheeses and cold meats is often also responsible for this problem.


One of the most harmful habits for the health of the mouth is smoking. This is because the toxins in cigarettes stain teeth and change the pH of saliva. In addition, smokers are more likely to have gum related diseases as well.

This occurs not only because of the smell of tobacco but also from the accumulation of toxic substances which give the mouth a bad smell in a gradual and continuous way. If you are a smoker, you cannot hope to solve this bad breath problem without cutting back on cigarettes or quitting for good.

Different diseases

All oral diseases can also be manifested by a bad smell from the mouth and unpleasant breath. Now, if the dentist excluded them, then their origin can also be another pathology. Disorders such as diabetes, sinusitis, gastric reflux and certain liver diseases can be the cause.

Bad breath can also be linked to a pathology of the nose, sinuses, tonsils, or pharynx. Other health problems can also cause bad breath: gastroesophageal acidity, stress that dries out the mouth, sore throat, kidney disease, but also sometimes lung problems.

One of the less common cases, but also one of the most difficult to solve, is when the bad breath is caused by digestive problems. These can affect the stomach or the liver, and the treatment must therefore be very complete in order to achieve a purifying treatment of the entire digestive tract.

The best natural remedies for bad breath

the best natural remedies for bad breath

The antimicrobial and digestive properties of some natural remedies can help you fight bad breath.

However, it is also advisable to carry out a medical examination first of all, because in the face of certain infections, it is necessary to receive additional treatments.

Red sage remedy to fight bad breath

The anti-inflammatory properties of red sage can help relieve inflamed or bleeding gums. Inflammation of the gums is a common oral problem that can develop due to poor hygiene habits, bacterial infection, or certain oral treatments.

Thanks to this natural remedy, the rinses that you can do with its infusion will help you eliminate bad breath from the mouth.


  • 2 tablespoons of red sage (30 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • First, pour the tablespoons of red sage into the cups of water.
  • Then boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Finally, strain the liquid with a colander and let it sit.

How to use

  • Gargle for 2 minutes with this natural remedy for infusion of red sage, 3 times a day.

Parsley remedy to fight bad breath

Parsley is one of the most effective plants against the build-up of bacteria that produce unwanted odors in the mouth. This plant has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, the high chlorophyll content of parsley regulates the oral pH and decreases the proliferation of these microorganisms.


  • 2 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 cup of water (250 m)
  • 2 whole pods


  • Add all the ingredients to a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. Then filter the drink well.

How to use

  • Perform mouthwashes and gargles with this natural parsley remedy for 3 minutes.
  • Repeat its use 2 or 3 times a day.

Sodium bicarbonate remedy to fight bad breath

Sodium bicarbonate is one of the remedies par excellence to fight against bad breath. Due to its alkaline properties, it regulates the pH of saliva and slows the growth of bacteria that usually thrive in the mouth.

At the same time, this natural remedy helps to clean the teeth and reduce the remains of foods that are often difficult to eliminate. A quick and effective method of eliminating bad breath is therefore to wash your mouth with natural remedies on a regular basis.


  • 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate (10 g)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


  • Pour the baking soda in half a cup of lukewarm water and stir.

How to use

  • Rinse your mouth with this preparation every morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed.

Carrot, cucumber and spinach remedy for bad breath

The extract of these liquefied vegetables is an excellent supplement to fight against digestive problems related to bad breath. The high content of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in this remedy also helps in improving liver and stomach health.


  • 2 carrots
  • ½ cucumber
  • 3 spinach leaves
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Start by peeling the carrots and cucumber.
  • Then cut them into pieces and place them in the mixing bowl.
  • Add the spinach leaves and a glass of water.
  • To finish, mix all the ingredients well for a few minutes, until you obtain a smooth drink.

How to use

  • Drink this preparation every morning for a week to reduce bad breath.

All of these remedies work as great supplements for relieving bad breath, which is a very troublesome disorder. However, they also require constant application in order to be able to give satisfactory results. In addition, if this condition is caused by a health problem or a serious oral infection, you should in any case consult your dentist and a doctor as a precaution if necessary to receive appropriate treatment.

Finally, it is also important to remember the importance of brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day to fight bad breath. Likewise, it is also recommended to avoid the consumption of sugar, condiments and other ingredients that can worsen this disorder. Daily use of a toothbrush is one of the most effective ways to reduce the concentration of bacteria in the mouth, which develops from the food scraps that come from our diet.

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