Natural Juices To Treat Migraine

Did you know that by following a balanced diet you can prevent up to 70% of headaches that could affect you? In this article, we will tell you all the juices you need to drink to stop suffering from these ailments.

Whatever the cause, fatigue, stress or particular health problem, we all suffer from these painful headaches quite often. We also tend to resort to medications for migraine relief, but all of them have side effects.

You will certainly be surprised to learn that there are many natural juices made from fruits and vegetables that can provide great headache relief. Do you want to know them?

Sometimes a migraine is a symptom of other problems to be aware of. For example, it could be a bad diet or some illness that we don’t know about.

You should consult your doctor if you suffer from migraines very often.  As far as we are concerned, we will present below some simple remedies to alleviate the effects of these headaches. It is nevertheless important to know the cause!

Some rules to follow to avoid migraineheadache

It is essential to have a good breakfast that gives us energy, it will prevent us from suffering from migraines during the day.

The specialists warn us that it is possible to relieve 70% of the headaches from which we suffer by a healthy lifestyle. In other words, by watching our diet and avoiding stressful situations. Here are some simple tips:

1. Breakfast is important

It is essential to start the day with a good supply of energy.  So complete your breakfast with one of these juices that we will recommend, and with dried fruits and whole grains.

It is essential to feed yourself properly. Your body will thus have the necessary reserves to face the day after a night without eating.

2. Avoid foods that contain tyramine

Avoid all foods that contain it: dairy products, aged cheeses such as Roquefort, Brie, feta, mozzarella, Parmesan… Tyramine indeed increases the blood flow to the brain and causes migraine.

3. Always take fresh fruit

Fresh fruits are used to prevent migraines. But if it is ripe fruit, as in the case of bananas, raisins, or even avocados, tyramine reappears and causes us a lot of trouble.

4. Avoid foods that contain dyes and additives

Some foods contain nitrites, such as ham and smoked bacon. This element also gives migraine. Also avoid all very colorful cakes. These dyes are indeed very bad for health.

The same is true of monosodium glutamate, a substance that nutritionists say is harmful and causes headaches. Always remember to watch the composition of the food you eat!

Juices to treat migraine

A juice to treat stress-related migraineheadache

If you come home at the end of the day and you have pain in your temples or the front of your head, drink this juice which will do you good:

Ingredients and preparation

  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • A little cinnamon powder
  • 1 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast
  • Half a glass of cold water
  • 2 ice cubes

Wash the fruits well, peel them and put them in the blender. Then add brewer’s yeast and a pinch of cinnamon. Then add the cool water and serve it with the ice cubes. Drink it slowly. This refreshing juice will give you relief.

A juice to treat migraine which is accompanied by dizzinessheadache

If you feel unwell, haven’t eaten well throughout the day, and feel dizzy, use this simple juice to provide your body with the nutrients it needs.

Ingredients and preparation

  • 5 strawberries
  • A cup of watermelon
  • One medium-sized mango
  • 2 nuts
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • Half a glass of water

Start by grinding the two nuts, then wash and cut the fruit into small pieces. Then put the strawberries, watermelon, mango and ground walnuts in the blender. Add the water to obtain a very homogeneous juice.

Don’t forget to add the teaspoon of honey. All of these ingredients will make you feel better and avoid dizziness!

A juice to treat migraine caused by fatigue and anxietyheadache

Going home exhausted, upset and with a lot of concerns, it happens to everyone… Our neck hurts, the body is numb and tense… If this has happened to you, from now on, don’t hesitate to prepare this juice. !

Ingredients and preparation

  • Two carrots
  • A small stalk of celery
  • Two oranges
  • Half a lemon

Wash the carrots and celery well; squeeze the oranges and half a lemon. Finally, put all these ingredients in the blender and mix the juice well so that it is homogeneous. You will see that it has a lot of aroma, that it is refreshing, purifying and relaxing.

A juice to relieve migraine caused by illnessheadache

Do you have a stomach ache and a headache at the same time? Do you feel like throwing up, do you have muscle pain? If you have caught a virus or any disease, this juice will relieve your stomach pain as well as your migraine. It’s easy to prepare and it works!

Ingredients and preparation

  • A red apple
  • 10 lingonberries
  • A plum
  • A spoonful of flax seeds
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Half a glass of water

Wash the fruit well, peel the apple and hollow it out, remove the core of the plum. Put all the ingredients in the blender without forgetting the flax seeds. The juice has a beautiful color and is very tasty. Drink it slowly. You can take it twice a day before meals and you will feel better!

  • Sethna, NF, & Lebel, AA (2008). Headaches. In Pain in Children: A Practical Guide for Primary Care.
  • Ahmed F. Headache disorders: differentiating and managing the common subtypes. Br J Pain . 2012; 6 (3): 124–132. doi: 10.1177 / 2049463712459691
  • Becker WJ, Findlay T, Moga C, Scott NA, Harstall C, Taenzer P. Guideline for primary care management of headache in adults. Can Fam Physician . 2015; 61 (8): 670–679.
  • Zheng J, Zhou Y, Li S, et al. Effects and Mechanisms of Fruit and Vegetable Juices on Cardiovascular Diseases. Int J Mol Sci . 2017; 18 (3): 555. Published 2017 Mar 4. doi: 10.3390 / ijms18030555

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