Natural Home Remedies To Quit Smoking

Even though oats are not a specific treatment for quitting smoking, they help us fight the anxiety that comes with quitting smoking , and prevents us from gaining weight.

For many years, it has been fully proven that smoking is harmful to our health. This is true for the smoker, but also for the people around him! This is reason enough to do everything in our power to quit smoking once and for all.

So we are going to present to you ten natural remedies that could help you to leave this bad habit so dangerous for your health.


Hypnotherapy is a discipline which consists in helping patients to overcome habits through various stimuli. Among the problems that could be solved by this method, we find precisely smoking!

Moreover, several studies have shown that after receiving hypnotherapy treatment, many patients have observed very promising results! Indeed, with one session per week for two months, 40 to 60% of patients were satisfied.


It is one of the most effective herbs known to treat the problem of smoking. It easily helps us to eliminate this bad habit from our daily life.

How? ‘Or’ What ? In fact, ginseng stops the release of dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter that transmits a feeling of pleasure and well-being, particularly stimulated by nicotine.


acupuncture to quit smoking

Smokers surely know this very well. The real problem that can happen when you try to quit smoking is that you have to deal with all the problems that occur with abstinence!

Thus, the liver is one of the organs that suffers the most. Fortunately, these problems are solved by acupuncture. It is a very useful alternative therapy which helps us to preserve the well-being of the different organs.

Chewing gum

This is one of the most used tips during treatment to stop smoking. The effectiveness of this remedy largely depends on the patient. By having a busy mouth and mind, one can achieve a feeling of well-being. This is what would make it easier to quit smoking.

However, be careful with chewing gum. Because you must check that it does not contain sugar. Indeed, the ideal is to take care of your teeth and your figure.


Auriculotherapy is a form of acupuncture, but focused on the ear. You can put an end to anxiety for good with this treatment! Indeed, anxiety is the most difficult to overcome in any addiction treatment.

Quitting smoking is also great for helping us improve the health of our lungs! Let us not forget that these are the organs most affected by tobacco consumption.


If you drink valerian root infusion on a daily basis , you can reduce anxiety, stress and nervousness.  They are often the ones that lead to smoking. This infusion is all the more effective when consumed before going to sleep.


lobelia to quit smoking

This is another herb used to help us overcome the problems associated with a lack of nicotine. Moreover, it is often found as the main ingredient in many products to stop smoking. It can also be prepared in the form of infusions.

However, we must be careful. We recommend that you seek advice from a specialist and consume only the recommended dose! Indeed, too large quantities could prove to be toxic for our organism.


Oats are great in a diet for people who want to quit smoking. Indeed, it can help reduce anxiety. However, even if its consumption is good for smokers, it is not part of a specific treatment.


When you stop smoking, you may experience nausea or anxiety. Ginger root is very good at stopping these side effects. It also helps us to detoxify our body through the pores.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper can be useful especially when you feel that you cannot fight your cravings. It will help you control yourself. In addition, it can help relieve and prevent the harmful effects of smoking on the lungs.

Last advice to quit smoking …

All of these natural home remedies are very popular with patients who have used them. Of course, some have been more successful than others! But in reality, everything depends above all on the degree of rigor and the strength of will that each of us is ready to have.

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