Natural Ant Repellents

Peppermint, lavender, apple cider vinegar and the like are some of the natural ant repellents that you can use.

There are natural ant repellents that can be used if needed. They are easily made from simple ingredients and generally have a pleasant aroma. Most importantly, they help keep the house clean.

Although ants are not insects that can harm our health, some do not like their presence and therefore prefer to keep them away.

The ants

Ants are insects that can eat almost anything. In fact, they feed on any type of organic substance, whether animal or plant. This includes foods such as: herbs, meats, fruits, dairy products, vegetables, oils, juices, nuts, grains, sugar, or seeds.

ants lined up

Ants usually live in hidden and dark places. Whether in the countryside, in the desert, in the jungle, in urban or industrial areas, wherever they can easily find food, they will establish a colony. That is why, where there is green vegetation, you will always find ants nearby.

Sometimes they can build their colonies on plants, around their roots. While this is usually not a problem, when ants decide to live on one of our decorative plants, this is where there can be a conflict of interest.

Natural ant repellents

Here are some of the natural repellents you can use to keep ants out of your home or garden.

1. Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar is an ideal product for cleaning the house and also for warding off pests. If ants have entered your kitchen, clean them with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and hot water (50-50 ratio). It will work because insects cannot tolerate its odor and the acids in it are toxic to them.

2. Chalk or talc

School chalk or talc can be two very effective household ant repellents. Draw a line by sprinkling one of these two objects where the ants pass. It will frighten them.

3. Lemon juice

Lemon is one of the most effective natural repellents against ants because its acid content confuses their sense of tracking.

Spray it on the path of ants and on doorways and windows. You can do this directly, or diluted with water, however you like.

4. Coffee beans

Coffee beans, in addition to neutralizing odors, repel ants. To do this, mix the coffee beans with baking soda and sprinkle it where you need it.

5. Mint

fresh mint

Peppermint essential oil can help you get rid of ants in your garden by putting a few drops on door and window frames. Another option is to make small bags of dried peppermint and hang them on the corners of the windows.

6. Citrus or cucumber peel

We have already talked about the properties of lemon juice as an ant repellant. However, you can increase the effect of lemon juice if you also put the peels of this citrus fruit, as well as those of orange, grapefruit or tangerine.

Cucumber peels are very effective because, on decomposing, they become toxic to ants. They will therefore avoid them.

7. Aromatic plants

Aromatic plants such as lavender, mint, peppermint, or calendula can help you keep ants out of your home, as the smell they give off will scare them away.

8. Rose water with soap

While ants don’t like water, the same is not true when the water is soapy, as they cannot move around freely. Therefore, to prepare a simple ant repellant, mix a few drops of soap or liquid detergent with a little rose water.

Natural Ant Repellants Recipes

If you have too many ants in the house, you may want to consider preparing the following repellents:

  • Recipe # 1 : In a 250ml bottle of liquid hand soap, place 30ml of each of the following essences: tea tree, rose, cinnamon, mint, peppermint, and lemongrass. Then, in a spray bottle, put two cups of water and two tablespoons of the above mixture. Finally, spray the places where ants are often found.
  • Recipe n ° 2 : in a spray bottle, pour 250 ml of water, a large spoon of hot sauce, ¼ cup of liquid soap and a teaspoon of mint essence. Then just spray the mixture where these insects pass.
  • Recipe # 3 : crush a handful of nettles in a mortar and add them to five liters of water, boiling for half an hour. After that time, you let it sit for five hours. Spray on ant paths and around the house.

Now that you know some natural ant repellents with very pleasant aromas, which one are you going to try?

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