Myths About Hair Loss

Hair loss affects both men and women and, despite the myths surrounding this problem, genetics are the main culprit.

Alopecia, a phenomenon that results in baldness, is a condition that results in abnormal hair loss or loss.

In some cases, it affects only the scalp, while in others, it also attacks other hairy areas, such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, genital area or beard.

Despite the heavy social and psychological burden it represents, baldness is a fairly common condition, which occurs more easily in men than in women.

Most cases have a hormonal basis, but also a hereditary component. This is usually some kind of message sent by the body when certain changes occur in the metabolism.

In other cases, it occurs at a specific point in life, which is repeated from generation to generation.

Despite the large number of people who suffer from it and the countless studies on the subject, there are still countless beliefs, comments, myths and legends about the origins of alopecia, its causes and how it affects people.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the most common myths about alopecia.

7 myths about hair loss

1. Helmets are harmful to the hair

One of the most common beliefs is that hair “drowns” with the use of headphones for music or even with hair gel.

However, the reality is that these products only have an impact on the appearance of the hair and its aesthetics, and are not related to the strength or weakness of the hair, or alopecia.

2. Washing too often leads to hair loss

Another of the most popular myths is that the frequency of hair washing is directly related to hair loss.

However, the shampoo is designed for topical use, so that it cannot penetrate the scalp or loosen the hair follicle. Therefore, there is no shampoo capable of causing alopecia.

3. Haircuts make hair grow back

cut your hair regularly to prevent it from falling out

This is a myth that is not about hair loss, but it is a technique popular culture recommends for promoting hair growth and maintenance.

Just as the shampoo has no effect on the follicle which is in the scalp, so does the haircut. Cutting your hair more often will not make it stronger or prevent it from falling out.

4. Laser treatments are the best solution

Although a large number of clinics and cosmetic centers offer innovative but expensive laser treatments, there is no scientific evidence to support this practice.

Baldness is not just a cosmetic problem. It is also a condition with an important biological background and that is why it requires the supervision and support of a certified dermatologist.

5. Stress causes your hair to fall out

Stress can speed up the process of hair loss, but it will never make you bald. Baldness is something that is inherited from the mother, contrary to what one might think.

If your genes contain the genetic information that you will eventually lose your hair, stress will not be the determining factor.

6. Wigs cause baldness

Much has been said about whether using wigs causes us to lose our hair due to a lack of skin perspiration.

However, this is only a myth. Hair always draws its oxygen from the blood in the scalp. Therefore, whether you wear a wig or not, the wig does not make your hair fall faster.

7. Too much sun is a problem for the hair.

does the sun cause hair loss?

Much has also been said about whether the sun on the head can accelerate baldness. Nothing is further from the truth.

Too much sun does not promote hair loss. But it is advisable to use  a product that prevents the weakening of hair fibers and adequate sun protection.

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